Transformers: Twilight of the Golden Age

Many terrorcons swarm the two.

The canon created a deep gash in Dynamo’s leg, rending the appendage stiff but moveable. Turning, Dynamo fired the last of his missiles at Megabolt.

One strikes his injured shoulder, eliciting a short cry of pain and worsening the wound. Megabolt responds with a missile volley of his own.

The two were covering each other and were firing at their heads.

Many were hit right between the eyes, but continue their charge.

Dynamo slide to the side, hoping to avoid most of the missles, before he started shooting at megabolt’s shoulder.

“What the—?”
Dicius said, trying to shot them in multiple places.

Megabolt turns to protect his wounded shoulder and fires another blast of plasma at Dynamo.

Eventually, some sustain too much damage to continue functioning and fall to the ground.

Waves of energy from the Dark Star Saber annihilate soldiers by the dozen, and Infernocus unleashes a great wall of flame.

Another warship loses its’ shields and is mobbed by airborne terrorcons.

“Are there any cannons on this ship?” Seraphicon asked.

“Some small laser turrets,” comes Salvage’s reply, “but that’s really it.”

Some hit dynamo’s armor, but merely scorched the places they hiy.

“This is chaos!” Dicius said, shoting another Terrorcon. “With every swing of his sword Nemesis is adding more zombies to his army!”
“Are you scared?” She responded, turning her forearms into blades and starting to slice the Terrorcons Like in TF Prime

Megabolt growls and fires his main cannon.

This method of attack was proving effective.

“I recommend cutting them in small pieces!”
He nodded and turned his forearms in swords and cutting threw the zombies.

Many terrorcons slashed at them with their claws.

Lifter gets to the ye javelin’s bridge,“I think we should get going…”

“Open fire on that Minicon.” He says.

The two were shooting them with one hand and slashing them with the other.

Hornblow was waiting for a response.
OOC: @Chromeharpoon Sorry if I am too insistent with this story ark.

OOC: Looks like I missed a lot of action here…is it over…or its still going ?

Onboard the dropship (‘cause they were totally there the whole time), Zipline and Cargo grab their weapons and get ready to exit in order to fight Thunderwing, if they need to.