Transformers: Twilight of the Golden Age

“what a dramatic entrance,” he said, his voice flat

“Thank you, Shadow,” Daybreak responds with equal snark.

He quietly takes a sip

Hecate realized that she made a mistake. She closed the comms.
“Man, I am so foolish. Voltex killed my friends only because Imacted like that in front of him. I should apologize.”
She headed for Jewel’s ship.

OOC: Then go after her, cause she will leave soon man

Jewel was preparing herself to leave, she checked the coordinates. Was plenty of time for Hecate to come.

She knocked in the ship, making a metalic noise that would probably be heard by Jewel.

Jewel heard it “Hmm ? Who is it” She opened the back hatch door, and exited her ship. Seeing Hecate "Oh, Hey, I thought you had to go "

“Yeah… I wanted to say that I am sorry. So many crazy times happened in the last few days: the Heralds returned, a few of my friends were killed by a psycho…”

Jewel was surprised “Oh its alright, don’t worry. Well sorry to hear your friends got killed…”

“Yeah… The freak was caught by police, but escaped.”

Hecate got Jewel’s attention “Who is this freak, do you know his name ?”

Jewel “Or you don’t want to talk about ? If so sorry I didn’t mean to be so pushy”

Edited for Double Post - BioKnight

“It might surprise you: Voltex Pax, the head of PaxTech Industries. A total jerk and a young boastful man who gets easily offended by everything that is not fancy enough and by everybody who is not praising him.”
She said, having no idea who Jewel really is.

Jewel couldn’t believe and then she was mad on Hecate for calling him a jerk, but she forgave her since Jewel knew what is like to feel about loosing someone. “Oh…him…well…im sorry to hear that but, I guess there is no point for us to discuss right ? Do to…me…being his wife…” She said in a friendly tone, not wishing to fight or anything


It was Hecate’s turn to be confused. She rose a finger, and the put it down. She seemed amused. She wanted to say something, but she stopped himself. In the end, she said:
“Well, I guess it could have been better to remain in the ship.”
She turned away and headed for her ship.

Jewel said to her "Nice meeting you, despite all the bad stuff ! Hope there are no hard feelings between us " She was trying to be nice about the situation

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OOC: Jade?
IC: Hecate ignored her, heading for the ship.

OOC: Sorry for that, I meant Jewel

IC: Jewel was speechless “Now that was, rude…oh well told ya, you can’t be friend with her” She spoke to herself, she as well was heading back to the ship.

Coalburn flicks on the ship, warming the engines.

I can’t believe I’m actually flying the Divider! Streak doesn’t let anyone pilot this ship!

He turns his head to watch Killstreak’s ascent.

Killstreak climbed higher and higher.

Please, don’t be high enough to freeze my engines shut… she pleads as she nears the gargantuan spark chamber.

Hecate entered in the ship and xommed Dicius.
“Are you there?”
“Yes, I am!”
“Great! Bring the ship in front of the entrance in the tower. We are comming.”

Jewel entered in her ship, closed the back hatch door. And sat on her chair.
“Okay, lets see, aa there, the coordinates”
Jewel activated her ship and began to fly slowly till it was out from the parking spot.
And with full speed went to the coordinates Voltex gave her.