Transformers: Twilight of the Golden Age

Ironcast continues his way back and forth to the different statues and monuments, winding towards the Basilica.

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Ironcast might pass a memorial to the many bots who died in the Great War- both Autobot and Decepticon. A hologram projector cycled through a long list of names, projecting them around a silver bust of the Triptych Mask in the Mournsong configuration.

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He watches some of the names flash by, sighing a little. “Such a waste of life…”

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Stoneflow decides to roam the city Maybe I can find a place to fix myself up.

There were many cosmetic establishments in Iacon, all open for business this morning.

Drill sighs. “Well, we can’t have them wait a few more hours, can we?”

After a while he moves on from the depressing memorial, travelling to other monuments.

Stoneflow sighs Guess I shouldn’t have been expecting little of this place… Maybe I should grab some paint and do it on my own. Or maybe just replace my plates. Why are there so many options

@TheMightyObsidianDude Ironcast might happen upon a golden statue of Quintus Prime, holding out his six hands with his palms to the sky. Blue Energon flowed from each one, collecting in a fountain at the ends of the Prime of Life’s many tassels, and statuettes depicting all manner of Cybertronians knelt as if to drink from it.

@LTVmocs One establishment near Stoneflow specialized in paintwork.

Ironcast admires it for a while, before moving on.

It’s getting close to noon, they’ll be giving their speech soon, and I ought not to be late…

Stoneflow opened up a compartment in his chest Better hope I have some money. This is a hassle.

OOC: It looks awesome

OOC: that’s for you to decide

IC: a sign in the window advertised several colorful paints.

Two micromasters walked around the statues, one punched his fist and pointed to optimus’ one. The other shook her head, there eyes flashing as if to communicate between the two secretly

Daybreak sighs. “Come, on,” she says to her companions, “let’s not keep our people waiting.”

The door to the Basilica’s main chamber opens, and Daybreak, Chaplain, Refuse, Autobahn, Drill, and Bit step into the sunlight. The massive crowd assembled at the foot of the stairs cheered as their leaders waved in greeting.

Ironcast manages to arrive just in time, having to transform not to be late, which was… rather embarrassing. He shuffles in awkwardly, waiting for them to start.

Brakeline doesn’t cheer, but she watches with interest as the leaders step into the sun. This would be her first time seeing it in person; usually she got stuck dealing with her job.

The twins make a booing motion

The leading body waits for the crowd to die down. In true Velocitronian fashion, Autobahn waved, cheered, and otherwise hammed it up for the many cameras trained upon the Basilica. Bit rolled his eyes while his sister let out a quiet, disapproving huff.

“Professionalism must be a foreign concept to velocitronians,” Refuse jests.

He’s one to talk, Chaplain thinks.

Ironcast chuckles a little at the display.

Haliaetus watched from a distance, “so unprofessional for such officials.” He muttered