Aright. I talked to @BlackBeltGamer98 and he says he might join. If the both of you get a character in before Sunday I’ll be good to go and we can get an earlier start.
I’ve been thinking about joining too, I’m just really bad at coming up with names
I could help out in that if you’d wish. Dm me the concept you have in mind and I could come up with some name ideas.
Soooo… for a while now I’ve been considering to try participating in an RP of some kind. Would this one in particular be a good starting point for someone like me, who doesn’t really have any experience in stuff like this?
Maybe. Maybe Not. Depends on what your interested in. Probably shouldn’t listen to me, instead maybe ask @ValkyriePrimal
Well, I was asking her, considering that she runs this RP, so…
The rp isn’t going to be anything too intense or crazy. At least not starting out. And I’m planning on having am introductory period at the start for characters to mill about and get to know one another before the action gets rolling. So you’ll have a bit of time to get used to how things generally work.
I’d say the biggest part of being good with an rp is how well you can write a character. But even then you’d never improve if you never have the chance to try. I’d say give it a try. You’ll likely have a good time.
Alright, thank you for the response! I guess, I’ll start cooking up my character then. I’ve already got some ideas
Just a few more questions:
How familiar should I be with the Transformers franchise in order to fully comprehend the game? All of my TF knowledge comes from TF Animated, TF Prime, the original cartoon, the Fall of Cybertron game and the * sigh * Michael Bay movies. Would that be enough?
Would it make sense to have an old war-torn type of character in the setting you’re going with? Or have there been no wars on Cybertron prior to the Golden Age?
That’s perfectly enough. All you really need is a basic understanding of the 13 Primes and the history of Primus and Unicron. If anything Prime is a perfect basis for what you need to know. As this is a universe of my own creation a lot of the concepts are new. The fundamental groundwork is similar to Prime, but a lot of the details and mechanics are original.
Cybertron has been in multiple wars with the Quintessons. Four to be specific. So having a veteran character is perfectly plausible. If you want more information about the Quintessons to help build up the details of your character, feel free to dm me.
Could I use this guy?
Name: Defender
As in the other RP, Defender has a railgun and a machine gun as weapons, with his gun barrel capable of being used as a staff.
He can transform into a Cybertronian tank, with the machine gun mounted to the roof of his turret where a Mini-Con or similarly-sized character can use it.
Chapter: Knights of Cybertron
Bio: Defender is one of many Knights of Cybertron, and is a master of combat. However, he lacks actual experience, having joined only a few thousand years ago. Thus, he stands out among their ranks, as he has not yet taken on their armor design, instead using his current form. He is eager for action, which often leads to him being impulsive and a bit of a talker. He is impressively loyal, though, and will fight for his friends no matter the cost.
Edit: sorry about disregarding the character sheet design. I was trying to copy this from the Transformers: Dawn of a New Age Signups and Discussion Topic, and got it a bit messed up.
Don’t worry about it. I have no issue with you using a character from a different RP. Even If I am a bit worried the player cast is gonna turn out to be “oops all Knights of Cybertron”
Though I do ask that you make a full and proper character sheet for him before I can accept him.
My character is almost ready to go, will post her tomorrow
Sounds good! I look forward to seeing her.
So, I have some questions about the chapters/factions.
Fire away. What do you want to know?
If there’s any sort of weapons or ‘type’ (like Seekers, Constructicons, Optimus Prime-esque, etc) restrictions between the different groups, or if there’s a way to mix and match some ideas from each.
I’d say that just about every individual is officially registered into one specific chapter. But that doesn’t stop you from participating in another to some extent. Most bots are perfectly fine fully committing to one group. But some like to major in one while still taking lessons from another.
For example you could have a bestial bond brother pair who occasionally join kindred gatherings.
An artificer who’s gone through basic knight training.
A mage who dabbles in sorcerers’ alchemy.
And so on.
Though I wouldn’t go beyond one major and one minor.
So, there’s no restriction on mixing and matching aside from pick one major and one minor?
Nope, none really past that. If I have any issue with what you come up with I’ll say as much, but I can’t imagine why I would.
Name: Breakpoint
Chapter: Knights of Cybertron (past), Sorcerers (present)
Appearance: Breakpoint is incredibly tall (a head or two shorter than Bulwark, I’d say), towering over ordinary Cybertronians. She is wearing old heavy and bulky knight-esque armour, giving her an imposing appearance, although her actual build is quite thin. She wears an eye-patch over her right eye, several scars can be seen from under it. A visor can be deployed over her face for additional protection
(Drawing by me)
Altmode: in her alt-mode Breakpoint takes the form of a heavy Cybertronian hover-tank
(Drawing by me)
Weapons: in robot mode: an Energon halberd and two daggers hidden under the skirt armour.
In vehicle mode: two high-caliber submachine guns mounted upfront and a heavy long-range railgun with armor-piercing ammo on the turret (a very powerful weapon, although it takes a while to reload)
Abilities: As a Sorcerer, Breakpoint has an understanding in Alchemy, but her ability to use transmutation is limited due to the fact that she started practicing it at a very old age. She can only transmute metal and mainly uses this skill to create spare weapons, patch up damaged parts of her armour and immobilise captured enemies.
Due to her old age, she is not as agile and strong as she used to be in her prime. But she makes up for that with immense combat experience and knowledge.
When angered, Breakpoint can enter a “berserker mode”, which greatly increases her speed and strength and takes away her ability to feel pain. She can only remain in this state for an extremely short period of time, as it drains her energy quickly. After that she remains weakened and needs time to recover.
Bio/backstory: In the past Breakpoint used to belong in the Knights of Cybertron and fought in the third and fourth wars with the Quintessons, but after a certain incident during the fourth war she cut all ties with the Chapter. She refuses to replace her damaged right eye because it serves her as a reminder of that horrific event. She lost all her faith in the ideals of the Knights and opted to join the Sorcerers to distance herself from them.
The horrors of war twisted her character, now a coldness dominates her personality, and she can often be cruel, cynical and apathetic. However, Breakpoint is not completely devoid of warmth, and secretly cares for those whom she considers close. She despises lying and will always tell the truth, no matter how brutal it is. She values strength, both physical and mental, and respects those who possess it. Any sign of weakness disturbs her, as it reminds her of the incident from her past. That event traumatised her tremendously. She is driven by grief and guilt, and will do everything to prevent anything like that from happening ever again.
She joined the mission in hopes to find a fitting end to her life journey, but maybe she will be able to find something else, like forgiveness and a new reason to live…