Tridax and Gar - My Submissions for Senit's Brotherhood Collab

Tridax, our favorite interdimensional kidnapper. This moc is perhaps my favorite of all my Makuta mocs. I love the forearms, the mask, the blade, and the colors.

For my second Makuta, this is Gar. Gar is quite strange. He is not a typical Makuta. He was not made for creating Rahi. When Brotherhood members were assigned to watch over islands, he did not. Why? Nobody remembered he existed.

Gar was made long ago, one of the first Makuta the Great Beings made. He was given one important task: guard a Kanohi mask. What mask it was, he didn’t know, nor did he know what it did. But orders were orders. He took it into a deep, dark cave in the deepest recesses of the Mata Nui Robot. There, he guarded it without end. He longed to see the sun again, to go back to the Great Beings. But he could not shirk his duty. The mask must be guarded.

The years turned into decades. Decades, into centuries. Centuries, millennia. He subsisted off cave Rahi in pitch-blackness. As the years wore on, he became mad. He forgot his real name. Language as a whole slowly began to slip from him. He decided to call himself Gar, because that sounded familiar. And he did indeed need a name, as he had frequent conversations with himself. As his madness grew, he got into an argument with himself about if he should wear the mask. Just to see what it did. He ended up tearing his own arm off to end the debate.

To this day, Gar lives in the bowels of the GSR. He survived Teridax’s extermination of the Brotherhood because no one but the Great Beings knew he existed. Will anyone ever find him? Does he even need to guard the mask anymore? Probably not. But it’s his duty.

And of course, the link to the collab itself if you want to check it out.
Senit’s Brotherhood of Makuta Collab- Sign-ups opened


Pretty nice. Tridax is pretty nice. Kinda in the set style.
Gar looks nice too. The mask is neat.
And he is a mix of Makuta and Gollum which is funny.

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Yep, Gollum was a big inspiration there lol

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ooh very nice
I disapprove of the non-purism but all in all they look pretty good. I especially like Gar’s backstory.

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That glow in the dark mask looks super cool

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Yeah, speaking of that, how did you do that?

Also, great mocs

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I didn’t expect the Olmak to look so cool in black. It’s very fitting for a Makuta though

I didn’t, I bought it from CreativeMechanics online.

Thank you, I’d very much agree! Like with the Avsa, I bought the mask online, this one from BionicleForLife on Instagram.


gar looks really cool

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Is this related to the Matoran Gar, or is it just a coincidence?

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It’s a coincidence, he calls himself Gar because it’s short for Guardian.