Tripod Bots

I bet that if you assembled a horde of these things it would look super sp00ki…


Shame I don’t have enough of the kaiju fins or claw pieces, otherwise I would

@Hewkii_The_Hanar and @TheLeg0Br0ny you guys lost me :joy:


Basically when the Tripods first appered in the first WOTW film aka independence day they had long tendrals and rounded hulls but now in Independence day Resurgence the Tripods have long tendrals with proper toed feet and angular hulls.

and next week the New Film comes out

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why was i invited to this topic exactly?

i will say this though, add a gun or two on those Tripod, and they might work as drone gun tower.

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Thanks for the invite, I really like these, great “spare part” designs. Very creative.

Any reason spare parts is in inverted commas “”?

@Shadower well I wouldn’t count them as table scrap because they weren’t just lying there, they originally had a purpose it just didn’t work out very well

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As opposed to table scrap which sounds rude.

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Thanks for great feedback guys

i did not invite you… i mean it would seem that you responded to me instead of TheMoltenKing.

I was talking to moltenking, he invited me.

Cool, interesting aestetic

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They remind me of the cookie robots from Despicable me.


Except without the cookie part


These were pleasantly surprising.

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