Tripod Bots

Had some spare parts after experimenting with lower arm designs for my self moc…so I thought “why not? Lets make some tripods from War of the Worlds or something.”

There they are, the dynamic duo

Their backs.

Stepping over his fallen comrade, darn those nasty humans :angry:

So tell me what you think, not bad for table scrap? They are a nice (imo) simple design


Cool spybots

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They’re simple yet very appealing.

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@Rockho @Stoax cheers guys :smile:

They’re cute little death machines.

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@Ultimate_TChalla thanks

Brings the spidex from Minority Report to mind… That is creepy. Hats off to you for making these guys intimidating with such few parts

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I looked it up, it kinda does. Didn’t realise that (mainly because I’d never seen it before now)

TBH they look like the crab bots from Doctor who the ones that cassandra uses

but as a tip if your are going to do the revamped tripods for the New War of the Worlds film which is coming out soon make the head rounder and the legs longer

There’s a new War of the Worlds film? I didn’t know that, I might do now, cheers

yea its called resergence where the aliens return for revenge well so i know from the trailers

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Really good movie. Although it is very long. I recommend it, it’s a spielberg after all

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I’ll be sure to check it out

@Hutere thanks

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I’d attach the front legs differently. So that they work more like actual leg. But that’s just me.

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Not sure how I’d be able to do that though

@Rac ahh, good idea

Instead of attaching them to one of the pins on the side, attach them using the pin on the end.

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Just tried it out and it does look better

Thanks for the great feedback guys, didn’t think people would like these as much as they have :relieved:

Correction: You’re thinking of Independence Day.


no that was the first film oh wait Independence day resrgence sorry i take the Tripods from War of the Worlds aka Inderpendence day seriously

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