My only problem with this theory is that the prototype mask seems to be pretty clearly whole. The G1 Vahi covering this mask isn’t so much a “completion” as and “addition.”
That said, of all the Vahi theories out there, this is the only one with real physical evidence. The presence of a hole in the mask is certainly interesting, and I can’t really think of a reason why it would be there except to fit something in. Of course, I do believe that this is a prototype, and that the final appearance of the G2 Vahi will be much different.
I definitely believe we’ll get the Vahi next year, either in the first or second wave, as I believe it will be necessary to send the Toa back where they came from, as it was used to summon them.
While I do see your point, adding the vahi to the prototype mask above makes it appear as if the entire thing was supposed to be a very wide jaw mask i.m.o.
Erm… the above? XD
While yes it does have horizontal bars, they only travel about 1/3 up the pin, which seems to give it room to connect.
I view the Mask of Ultimate Power as very separate from the vahi. The MoUP inherently was made from the six elemental forces of the island (according to the animations), thus it should have all six of the basic elemental powers. While OP as all hell, its power may be only second to the true Vahi if it was needed to be separated into two pieces to keep its power in check.
While yes it does, the horizontal bars only go about 1/3 up the length of the mouth pin, which is where I’m basing my very generalized assumption on this theory ^.^
I mean, it could be but the mask is likely just a MoC placeholder. How I see it they’ll make it so that the upper part connects to the brainstalk with a 3-long axle and the vahi connects like a regular mask.