(mods please move this if it’s in the wrong place)
As the title of this topic implies, I’ve been trying to figure out how one of the Makuta contest winners is built.
We currently have instructions for two of the five winners (Miserix and the black and gold one that is typically taken to be Kojol). The one I’ve been looking at is this one:
These are currently the only part I have completed, and I’m fairly confident that they’re correct unless there’s some filler parts inside the arms that I’m missing. Legs
The lower legs and feet are mostly done, although I did make a couple of guesses as to how certain parts were attached, like the Piraka feet and the Vahki hips on the shins. The thighs are much less complete. I know the climbing claws attach somehow, but I can’t make it out clearly enough to say how. Torso/head
This is more of a loose collection of parts that I know fit together somehow, but I can’t yet work out how to place. The white pin on the torso is just there to hold the Zaktan foot in the right place, and the connection of the Ehlek head is similarly speculative. Upper arms
By far the least complete part at the moment. I’m reasonably confident on that armour assembly on the left, but beyond that I don’t have many ideas right now.
I’ll include a link to the .io file with my progress so far for people to take a look at. If you’ve spotted something I missed, then please let me know.
The straight balls are going upwards towards the torso while the angled balls are what the legs connect to
There’s some kind of lime green ball-jointed piece in there, and all the geometry of the piece works perfectly with the image
At first I dismissed the piece since it seemed the piston lip wasn’t there, but upon looking at the opposite side it seems they’re just obscured by the Ehlek claws draping over them
I should think 4L axles - they’re more common in black and there seems to be something else connected behind the lime pieces
I also somewhat doubt the technic piece as it was a new element for 2008, appearing in black in only one set released prior to the Makuta Contest, which in turn only included a single copy of the element. Unless this person owned two copies of Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter there’s no way they could own those pieces at the time they built the model
I didn’t consider that, but it’s a good point. My main reason for having that part is that I couldn’t see a blue pin axle, but it could also be a regular axle.
I think you’re right. I initially thought the pinholes for the arms were the hole in the ball cup on one of these, but now you’ve mentioned it I can see that you’re right.
The model’s left arm (our right) is puzzling me, because it looks a bit like it’s either floating or somehow connected to the Ehlek claw.
They’re not actually connected to the pre-molded shoulders of the Makuta torso, which seem to be left bare - instead, there’s a pair of black Vahki heads mounted above it which act as shoulders
Next morning update: When trying to fit the torso and legs together, I realised that the grey parts the Ehlek claws connect to are actually this piece and not the longer one.
I think you were right the first time. Those pieces are definitely the longer versions in the photo, no doubt about it. Though do note how both assemblies are angled slightly outwards - either it’s a stressful connection to the torso or the Ehlek claw things aren’t actually connected to each other
This is very much not complete, I just joined the two halves with some placeholder parts. The bottom of the grey parts on the photo overlaps with the Ehlek head, and the top is level with the Bohrok eyes on the chest. I think the Ehlek head also needs to be slightly higher, looking at it in relation to the Bohrok eyes on the waist.