TTV as Okotans Continued "Morning Sky"

Hello there!
Some of you may remember me making Eljay,Varderan, and Mesonak as Okotans not to long ago. A few of you asked “Where are the rest of the TTV?” At long last, I have finished the next one!

I proudly present to you all “Morning Sky,” featuring @prpldragon (with a pet dragon for her) and @TakumaNuva.

I hope you all like and appreciate this picture!

Below is a link to the other TTV Okotan picture I did for reference.


These look really cool!

Yeah, man. Livin’ the good life.

I’m not an artsy person, so I can’t give technical critique, but I do really like this. The fanart I see is always amazing and makes me giddy each time, but since so few are not digital it definitely makes this one stand out just a little more. This is the kind of piece I would proudly give a permanent spot on my fridge … if I owned one.

I like this one better than the last, I’d say.
Probably has something to do with the fact that there’s a Dragon…

Oh my gosh! This art-style is so pretty!

I love how the colors were done

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Love it!

I think the background is my favorite part.

@Runa Thanks!
@TakumaNuva Thank you! (That’s what I dislike about digital art-you can’t physically hold it!)
@Hutere_the_Toa_of_Air :smile: I made this one more realistic (no bolded lines) because I made it for my art class.
@Radiation-7901 Thanks!
@Middlefingerstudios Thanks! It took a while to get them to look right!
@Genericon Thank you!
@Leoxandar The sky was pretty easy, but the rest of the background took quite a while!
@LurkingEhlek Thanks! Interesting comparison I never though of that!:smile:

Thank you all, and Thank you to every one you liked this as well!


I really like the right villager. Reminds me of Hewkii mahri.

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(That’s Takuma)

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Still cool colors.