So a while back, I saw the Bionicle Card Game and thought to myself, “Why don’t I make a TTV Community Card Game?”
henceforth this topic was made.
#How to play:
So the point of this game is to earn a certain number of points. How do you earn points? By beating the other person in a battle.
#An example of a card:
Each card has four attributes: Strength (Red), Agility (Blue), Intelligence (Green), and Charisma (Yellow). At the beginning of each round, a color will be randomly chosen. You and your opponent then draw cards from a stack. Whomever has the higher number in that particular color wins that round and gets 1 point. The first person to 13 points wins the game!
Example: Let’s say I’m in a battle, and the randomly chosen color was Yellow. I draw the above card, while my opponent draws this card:
Since my card has a higher Charisma (Yellow) number, I win the round.
However, let’s say that the random color was Red, and we draw the same cards. In that instance, my opponent would win the round, since their card has a higher Strength (Red) number.
#How to create your own card:
So in order for this game to work, you need to have a fair amount of cards to play with. This is where you guys come in! You can have your own card in this game if you follow these three simple instructions:
Provide a picture that you want used on the card, preferably largish.
Give what stats you want. When added together, these stats must add up to 20. (e.g., Strength 10, Agility 5, Intelligence 2, Charisma 3)
Write a description of yourself. This can’t be any longer than 200 characters, spaces included. Think of it like a tweet or something.
Once you have provided me with those three things, I’ll be more than happy to make you into a card.
“How do we play this game if we’re on the interwebs?”
Good question. As you can see with the above two cards, each card has a number below the name. When playing an online game, all you have to do is go to, set the random numbers between 1 and whatever the current number of cards is, and press “generate”. You’ll be given a random number, which will represent the card you drew. All you have to do is find the card that corresponds with that number (which will be made easier once I make an imgur gallery of all the cards), then you’re good to go! The randomly chosen colors can be done in a similar fashion. All you have to do is set the generator between 1 and 4 (where 1 = Red, 2 = Blue, 3 = Green, and 4 = Yellow), and you’re good to go!
(Note: It’d be great if you kept games out of this topic, since they’re more 1v1 and can be better handled in a PM.)
“Good gosh Slime, you’re taking on ANOTHER Community based project? You must have no life!”
Yes, I indeed have no life.
“Slurm, where’s the next ForeverAloneCast?”
#THE TTVPCG! Fun for all ages!