So the game night went pretty well and I’m drawing a couple things from it.
So right now I have a chibi animation I just threw together:
Soon I’ll post a styled pic of some of the people that were in the game night. I hope everyone had fun and can’t wait for the next one!
Is that Teshin Rouku?
Also, nice.
It’s the helioskrill armor from halo 5 and thanks.
[quote=“tak210, post:1, topic:15901”]
Soon I’ll post a styled pic of some of the people that were in the game night. I hope everyone had fun and can’t wait for the next one!
[/quote]I can’t wait for more, even though I will probably won’t get all the funny jokes from MCC…
There was one game of infection, and all of us are on this bus and then we look over. Eljay is sitting alone away from everyone else and when someone points it out he made crying sounds. So we rushed around him and made a meat shield for him.
Man I wish infection was in halo 5.
Sounds fun.
However I don’t really understand this, because I haven’t played much Halo before 5…
So here’s the stylized pic that was promised:
Everything is simplified, thinner, stylized, and such. The background has elements from halo 5, halo 2 anniversary(the team eljay v team venom map), and halo 3 racing.
It stars:
And @Takua
Sorry Var, I forgot what your armor was XD
love how you drew my Noble armor
I’m a dummy (that’s probably why I’m dead) so I’m not sure who I am, could you help me out please?
Far left
I thought so. It’s Athlon yeah? It’s not my “Normal” Appearance, but I still love it, because that REQ pack was such a pain to get. Thanks for the drawing, especially me having a pistol…
Ya that req pack was stupidly priced. But hey I got nearly exclusive armor and weapon skins, so that’s kinda cool.