TTV Questions & Answers!

We always planned to ask Greg for a second interview later down the line; he told us he’d be open to it after we finished recording the first one. It’s just been an issue with timing; it still is.

PERSONALLY, I’d love to interview him again (BEFORE new BIONICLE launches in January), even though I feel the interview would simply serve to clear up any misconceptions regarding his involvement for the general public. That’s fine by me, though, because talking to him was grand fun and I’d love to do it again. :stuck_out_tongue:



I want to do a video on this. Maybe I will someday.

But long story short, there should be. Will there be? I dunno. There’s an app in development, but I don’t know how involved that will be.

MNOG defined the island and honestly defined the franchise. All of the worldbuilding was done in that game (visually worldbuilding is the most effective kind of worldbuilding for this type of franchise, especially for kids), and then the books and comics handled the “main story”. I’d love for this new Bionicle to do the same, because they really need it. We don’t know anything about Okoto, we don’t know anything about the Protectors. We need a MNOG more than ever.

But it needs to be done right. If they just make a normal 3D action game, like Bionicle Heroes or something like that, it won’t do anything. We’re in a nice little golden age when it comes to licensed stuff right now. Shadow of Mordor is fantastic, Alien: Isolation is great…we’re getting there, you know? To be honest, Travelers Tales isn’t exactly the developer I would have in mind to do it. They’d have to get a new dev to really pull it off.

But some kind of interactive worldbuilding needs to happen. I really hope that’s through some video game.

That’d be nice. While we are focusing on new Bionicle, I’d certainly like to talk about old Bionicle and the line going forward. I think, when we last talked, he had to pull off this pretense about Bionicle possibly continuing because they had not announced the reboot yet (even though it was in development). Now that that’s no longer a thing, I’d like to discuss a lot of behind the scenes going on during the old story, so we can get a sense of what’s different when it comes to development this time, as well as maybe his plans for old story going forward (I’m pretty sure he can talk about that now).

It’d also be good to have him publically acknowledge his role with Bionicle 2015 now, so that (hopefully!) a lot of fans stop asking him for that. That answer gets lost every few pages, and I would wager that most kids search up stuff on YouTube more often then not.

I really liked talking to Greg, and I would love to do it again. But of course, it would depend on his schedule and if he actually wanted to do it. I wouldn’t push him for it; I know the Lego Magazine is getting a redesign, so he might be really busy working on that.


This may seem strange but…

What are your opinions on cats?

They’re delicious


Will @Eljay tell us if he ever gets a voice role in a feature film?

Now I am scared to ask what your opinion on dogs is


QUESTION FOR ALL TTV MEMBERS: What are your favorite Bionicle and Hero Factory sets?


I’ve wanted to get more immersed in the world and history of BIONICLE and I thought the best thing I could do after reading the comics I already have is to read the books. Where do you think I could find the old BIONICLE books these days? Sorry if this is not much of a personal question for you guys, as this is what this discussion topic is for, but I didn’t know where else to ask. Thanks :stuck_out_tongue:


@Takua Favourite Bionicle set…hmm. Probably the Toa Mata, alot of the titans and the Barraki were pretty interesting sets. The Inika were pretty great. Just sets that aren’t complete clones (sorry Piraka).
I never had a Hero Factory set, but my brother did, called Black Phantom, he was a very cool looking set, so I guess I’ll stick with him. :stuck_out_tongue:

@FormidableMatoran_118 I got my 06 books from Amazon, they are very cheap, I’m not sure how older books you want, but two things I should warn you of. One, if you want something like an encyclopaedia, that may be quite pricey. Second, but most important, double check your address before you send it. I learned the hard way. :stuck_out_tongue:


WHAT?!? How could you NOT LIKE Zaktan?!?! I swear, he doesn’t show up enough in Piraka Attack.

@Kahi, it is truly an honor to hear you say that you might do a video on my questions. It makes me feel more involved in TTV’s videos. It’s more than I could ever dream of. Thank you :blush:


So ah, what happened to the 119th episode of the podcast?
It’s not showing up

They said on Twitter that they had to reupload it because of bad audio quality.

Going to reupload the latest TTV episode in order to slightly improve the audio quality, as it was pretty terribad beforehand. Stay tuned!

— TTV Podcast (@thethreevirtues) October 24, 2014

TBH we’re debating even re-releasing it at all. It was pretty terrible audio-wise despite Kahi’s best efforts to improve it… what are your thoughts? Would you like the episode to still be released despite its lackluster quality, or should we just talk about NYCC stuff on this weekend’s podcast episode instead?



If you already have the episode, why not re-release it? Maybe just as a forum exclusive if you think the general subscriber base won’t be as interested.


Yeah, I feel that unless we can get the audio quality to be better the only chance it has to be released is a forum exclusive. We’re a little unsure about releasing such a bad quality episode amidst all the new followers we’re getting due to the BIONICLE set previews.

We’ll see; we’re discussing it internally ATM.



On a scale of 1-terribad, how bad was it?


As the person who usually does the podcast editing (I didn’t edit this one), it was worse than terribad.

It was terribawful.


It really, really sucked. Var compared it to us getting lung cancer and having to talk through a robot.


That’s fairly accurate.

I see that you said on the LMB that you emailed Greg. Is it about this?