TTV Questions & Answers!

@IllustriousVar When are you releasing the Written Reviews ? We’ve been waiting foreveh!

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I did! I’m super excited. I love Cryoshell’s work, even though I don’t think it’s with Bionicle anymore…

There’s no point is asking us this because we aren’t associated with LEGO and we don’t just know the answers to these questions that other people wouldn’t know. We don’t have any “exclusive” information when it comes to Bionicle.

No, but I might do some later on.


That was posted a while ago, I just forgot to delete it.

Have you ever tried learning Kobudo?

Did you ever get any art commissions from NYCC?


Yeah, did ya @Kahi? =D


Hey Eljay, why do you keep sweeping your backdrop in your reviews? Is it just dusty or are you so exited to review a BIONICLE that your spitting?

Haha, yikes! Entirely the first one. I see bits of dust and what not and I’m afraid it’s visible on camera. Gotta keep my recording set clean!


How close do you thing you are to having a TTV con, or meet ups?

Here’s our honest position.

Conventions take a lot of work, and I don’t even know what we’d do for them. If there was a more diverse LEGO network around, and if we had more clout and were more popular, we might be able to do this kind of live convention with all the big LEGO YouTubers and have them release videos or do like live panels for like a weekend.

But we all live in separate locations, so I don’t know where’d we do it. There’d have to be several things done: we’d have to have a physical studio location, we’d have to have a much larger audience who would be able to buy $50 tickets, we’d have be on pretty good standing with a lot of the higher quality LEGO channels, and we’d have to just have a good amount of LEGO channels that would be willing to host some panels.

We would have to have a subscriber count in the several hundred thousands, and a LOT more people on Vessel. Like, a ton.

Sidenote: subscribing to us on Vessel helps us out WAY more than you could ever know. If you do that, you are helping us out a lot more than YouTube. You’re basically worth a hundred YouTube viewers to us =P

That’s the quickest way to ensure this will happen, is to subscribe to us on Vessel.


How do i post my moc… I know stupid question… BUT I ACTUALLY DON’T KNOW

Sup y’all!

Don’t know if this has been asked before, but do any of you watch Kamen Rider?


so, are the notifications broken again?


Where’s product showcase? When was the winner decided or has it been decided at all but not announced?

I haven’t heard anything about it in about 3 months, and haven’t heard from Var in a while, at least a few podcast episodes over about a month. What happened? Are we also getting wave 2 showcases? Did I miss some sort of announcement? And most importantly, am I completely wrong? I’ve been commenting on TTV’s videos, but haven’t seen a response. Please let me know!

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He answered this on one of the podcasts, to quote;

“i’m lazy”


Three months is a long time… And why hasn’t he been on the podcasts?

AND… Where is the Kopaka winner?


Why can’t I put pictures into my posts anymore? Glitch or intentional removal?

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how will youtube red affect ttv?


After watching the Biotalk Book Club Videos on Vessel I feel that seeing y’alls facial expressions, and hand gestures helped improve the discussion. I would like to ask If y’all think that you would try to do that with some of your other shows like the podcast or TTV Talks, or do you think that any attempt to do so would end up kinda like the TTV Vlog?

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Well, they did discuss the possibility of doing it for the podcast as a Vessel-only thing. I’m not sure if they will.

thanks, don’t remember it then, wasn’t paying attention, or just completely didn’t know. Do you remember where it was talked about?