TTV Questions & Answers!

Vessel is an alternative video platform: they believe in the business model of early access, and it pays off for them. We chose them because we think that they’re doing a lot of things that YouTube isn’t - namely, innovation in advertising, better connection with their content creators, and overall better service.

I don’t think Vessel will necessarily take over YouTube’s space right yet, but it offers the pretty medium for premium content. What I do think is that people are going to abandon YouTube as the sole video source on the internet, and that that source will be spread out throughout these different sites. Vessel will definitely be at the forefront of those competitors.

Also, small channels don’t really stand much of a chance on YouTube anyhow, if you’re just following the crowd and doing what everyone else is doing. We were the first really consistent group-based Bionicle channel - we didn’t do stop motion animations or MOC reviews, which were pretty much all of the other Bionicle YouTube content that they had available. Instead, we offered something different and, because we were always a group, were able to continue to grow our channel in terms of production and scale up pretty easily.

After us, some other group channels have formed, but they really haven’t been all that successful. It’s the lack of good personalities that really play well off each other, I feel, and the lack of vision/business sense by the leaders. But that’s just me.


Oh yah totally a group of people on the board talking about Lego,transformers, and other nerdy stuff would be dumb! Heh heh… I uh gotta go, leaves and go gets some really old Apple juice My whole life is a sham I can never be as popular as the great TTV… /s (Also I see your reasoning and I get what you mean thanks!)


How hard is it to set up a Channel on Vessel?

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Which is why Vessel is better than YouTube, which only wants to see you suffer.

Do you guys think you could ever do LPs of Bionicle games other than the online games (like MNOG)? Like maybe a Bionicle Heroes LP or something?

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You don’t go to them, they come to you.

Well, let’s just say that there’s a new dynamic duo coming to LPing very, very soon…


Hey @Mesonak @Eljay will you be doing a LP of OOG and if so then will you be plying the side scroller or the 3D version

Would you guys discuss the BZPgram 2015 concept art images in the next podcast please? I think it would make for interesting discussion.

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Let’s Play BIONICLE: Maze of Shadows with Alena and Eljay?!?!?!?!?!
Will it finally be concluded?!?!?!?


Can’t wait.


Will Kini be on the second TTV Talks About Halo 5?

inb4 “Who’s Kini?”

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Will @Eljay do reviews of the CCBS Star Wars sets? Seeing as they feel more like OG Bionicle than Bionicle 2015 does.


And no.


@IllustriousVar, are you going to check your AMA soon? I don’t want to pressure you, but it’s been like 3 weeks.

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hahaha what




I’m proud to say, i have written some wiki pages in there. :wink:

Well, I did say it was limited edition :stuck_out_tongue:


To be fair, I bet he’s talking about Vader and Grievous moreso than the others. :stuck_out_tongue:



@Mesonak Yeah. Prob should’ve clarified.