TTV Running Gags

Venom must have tails on his feet like protector of jungle!

It smells like nose in here… (not necessarily a running joke, but funny nonetheless ;))

Also, can someone explain Tumafest to me? I know, I know, I’m pathetic for not knowing…


This explains all.

Ven misspoke “Chima” as “Chuma” which evolved into “Tuma” and it escalated from there.


I think that describes most of TTV’s gags. :smiley:


True words :stuck_out_tongue:


The best one and most over used is Omega Tahu. I just can’t put it really but it is such a good saying that sounds just amazing when you say it out loud and the story behind it is really neat and cool I am not a guy who likes gags but this one really makes me crack a large smile on my face when ever it is said.


ven is the time traveling muaka


So what is the thing about @Mesonak saying “It’s Rotor!”?

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Well, you see…

It’s Rotor.

I don’t really know.


Well, that is the first thing Stormer says when Rotor appears.
That’s all I can think of.

i miss terra bad. i never hear that any more. such a shame

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The Time-traveling Muaka here to destroy the canon.


No one has mentioned the almost constant joke about segues for vessel or buying TTV shirts.

Here are some others

-Cast making fun of Kahi’s pronounciation issues ever since the “Ekewu” incident
-Cast making fun of Viper’s British accent wot
-Var yelling at Venom for saying “mardi gras” before Meso says the episode number
-Awkward/forced segways
-Warming up to a previously hated set (dubbed “the Varhatu effect”)
-ExxTrooper being out of the loop (forgetting set names, not aware of new releases, etc)
-Eljay getting sick


And not a mention of Solek!
I know it’s banned and all, but it was a running joke that escalated.
Some would argue it went a little too far (Like TTV, who banned it).

Or maybe there was, and they have been smited, just as this may be.

Whatever the outcome, I will always hold Makutafest 2015 in my heart…

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No copyrighted music…

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Last week I was speaking to this older gentleman, and for whatever reason when he was about explain something that had happened the night before, he went "Last night, Last night, Last night,"

I just started laughing hysterically without explanation.


What TTV running gag is that from?

It’s a bit of an old one in which Meso repeated “Last night” three times when he though nobody was listening to him. It’s not really a running gag but they bring it up every once and a while.

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I say “last night, last night, last night” to my brother and he gets annoyed