can someone explain all the ttv running jokes like omega tahu and such for newer listeners like me?
Das it frum meh
Omega tahu is a set that ven saw in a dream where bionicle had returned and there were collectibles and all the good stuff, and this was a beatiful dream that Ven felt like sharing to greg when TTV interviewed him. I believe it can be heard at about 27 minutes in that he tells greg about it. I bet there was a set there with…SHREDDER CLAWS!!!
To answer your question, no. There is no such being that is both capable and caring enough to do so.
No, it had Wolverine claws
Sure! Omega Tahu was a set in a dream Ven had about Bionicle coming back. It’s actually turned out to be kind of accurate =P.
If you or anyone else have any injoke questions I’ll see if I can answer them.
That is all…
A lot of our inside jokes are VERY old too, so it’s no surprise that you wouldn’t quite understand them XP
For example, the Mardi Gras joke was created around 2012 I do so believe, when Meso decided he wanted to film a local Mardi Gras parade in his town, and he started the video off by shouting “HELLO, AND WELCOME… TO MARDI GRAS”
Now at the start of every TTV episode either me or Venom shout “MARDI GRAS” whenever Meso says “Hello and welcome to TTV” because he says it just like how he said it in the Mardi Gras video.
Edit: The video in question:
I am 100% positive Greg was inspired by Ven to make Omega Tahu, the new collectible masks and just everything has Ven written all over it
venom can see the future…knew it!
I’ve got it: Highly Suspect is (primarily) Ven, who now works for Lego. He was hired for his prophetic dreams.
No, it was from the interview with Greg Farshety
dont you see he knew that greg would like the idea!
Gen knows all…
I didn’t even know that. I just assumed it came up around Mardi Gras this year. huh. xD
It’s Rotor!
but he’s feelin a little blue…
Geez, I haven’t heard that in forever. Almost like “What about flying?”.
I must have missed this video… I feel so enlightened now, thanks Var <3
Face my stinger tail!