So for those who don’t know, Marvel’s Secret Wars(90’s and the '15 ones) are basically a giant crossover of Marvel’s most popular characters where they get to battle it out on ‘Battle world.’ great name, I konw
So what if the TTV message boards had a secret war?(not a literal one, only a fictional one involving self-MoCs or something) Who would participate? What sides would they/you take and why? Discuss.
What? A secret war? Who would fight? Let’s see… Only Admins, Mods, and Masters have powers, so protectors could not fight unless they have the right equipment…
This is hard. Because while I can understand the idea of a united Mod Alliance, y’all must surely have noticed that some of the other Staff and I… don’t really um…see eye to eye.
So I can only imagine I’d have my own faction, stupid and pretentious sounding as it is.