TTV Viper MOC [2 Fan 2 Fictionous Contest Entry]

So, I literally finished building the arms like less than half an hour ago. Then I had to rush to get at least one photo in this horrible climate.

I’ll definitely take more (and better) pictures of the MOC but it’ll probably have to wait until the contest ends since I’m sure that they won’t allow me to update this post right after the deadline (which is tomorrow).

Also, my avatar and the MOC are completely unrelated. My avatar is supposed to represent my self-MOC, which coincidentally uses the same mask as Viper.

Here it is! At last! It kept falling apart while I took pictures so I only did one (weird) additional pose.


Extremely well done. Looks feminine and sleek.


The feet seem a little awkward, but otherwise this is a very nice moc…

I’d agree on the slightly tall feet, but other than that this looks seriously awesome. It has a real angelic vibe to it.

I think we may have a winner…

It’s feminine but not creepy.
So you’re already at a better spot than 99% of female mocs.


That is very hard nowadays, especially with certain people who don’t get it, I’m not gonna name any names on here but you know who I’m talking about.

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Sorry for the late response, guys. I was just too tired the last couple of days to respond sooner.


Interesting, I never saw the feet as too large until you two mentioned it. I don’t think I’ll be able fix it, though.

I’m glad I was able to carry that point across :slight_smile:

After I saw the entries that were posted soon after mine I lost all hope :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll take that as a complement :smile:

I’m currently making some small improvements to the MOC such as fixing the arm connections (the ones used for the picture made the shoulders too wide) and trying to make some actual wings. So better pictures will be posted sometime during the next weekend.


#First post has been updated with new pictures

Sorry for the one week delay. With Bionicle’s cancellation and other events happening in real life, I didn’t have the time to photograph the MOC.

This is litterally the first female MOC I’ve seen that actually looks feminine but doesn’t have massive protruding breasts. So that’s a win.

In all seriousness, I really like it, though the short fingers feel a bit off.

Thanks! For the fingers, I wanted to try something different from the usual exo-force arm fingers that I do, so I used this other technique (I didn’t come up with it) for a change. Though you are right, they are somewhat short.

Also, now that I’ve posted some better pictures I’ll tag @Black_Viper in case she hasn’t seen it.

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