Unfortunately, I do not have all of Vakama and Onewa, so I had to substitute in other colors. If anyone has all three complete Turaga I would love to see this MOC in the appropriate colors.
Here we have Cyborg Onewa, Whenua, and Dark Vakama. (No Fire Staff I’m afraid.)
I drew inspiration from the Turaga Nui and the Turaga Kabaya.
I really like how this one turned out. Much more bulky than the last one and less stingy. I made two slight variations of this creation (alterations were made in the torso and the legs) and I like how the second one’s leg look best. Yes, the photos are crappy because my good camera was stolen.
It has the function that both arms spring down to attack. (Just like one of the regular Turaga’s arm does.)
I like how Vakama is more in the center with attachments all around. This reminds me of when Optimus Prime fuses with other transformers they often become legs or arms while Prime remains as the torso.
Here’s another one for you @Creep . I think you’ll like this one better @Political_Slime .
A Kaita is suppose to be a fusion of three. There was a fusion of 4 turaga. It was called the Turaga Kabaya. There was even a Bohrok Va kabaya made of 4 Bohrok Va’s. Unfortunately, these fusions came out in Asia, so those of us in the west didn’t know about it until much much later.