Turaga Photo Edit

Just some small edits. I made this in Adobe Illustrator.


Looks pretty good.

One thing you can do instead of painting over the blue pins is just lower the blue in the photo. It should then appear gray.

The fire effect isn’t really convincing, it looks like you just drew low opacity lines. I’d advise adding a subtle glow around the actual piece and maybe trying to use a photo texture of real fire.

Not bad, though!

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I’m new to editing, so thank you for the feedback! About the fire, you are correct on what I did to edit it, I’ll try doing what you suggested next time. Thank you!

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Most of this is handled well but the pin covering could use a little work but still it’s over all good work.

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If you’re going to edit photography, I’d recommend using Photoshop over Illustrator. Photoshop is designed for photo manipulation, and has a lot more tools that will be helpful to you. Illustrator is more for illustration and creating vector images. You can certainly do stuff with photos in it, but that’s not really what it was designed for. It’s kinda like hammering a nail with a wrench. Sure, it works, but it’s not as effective as it could be.

As far as specific advice goes, I agree with what others have said. Unless you can draw ultrarealistic fire, I’d recommend using a real texture. I’d also look into ways to create a colored glow around the fire, eyes, and heartlight. Covering up the pins is a little out of place considering the rest of the MOC. I’d recommend isolating and changing the color to a more neutral tone.

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