Tuyet, the Toa Mangai of Water (ver.Bu / MOC for canon contest)

Very, very nice. The armor colors and shaping are great. The sword is also really creative. Great job :wink:


That has got to be one of the best designs for Tuyet’s sword that I’ve ever seen!


Thank you @Rukah !! :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts:
I can’t built more good BBsword only my own skills! :angel:
But I’m so glad you like it! :stuck_out_tongue: :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts:

Thank you @TheCobaltCorsair !! :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts:
I’m so glad you said so! :relaxed: :relaxed: :revolving_hearts:


Great Tuyet.

Also because it shares pretty much all the core aspects with mine :stuck_out_tongue:

Being relevant for the contest, and looking that good, I spent some time analyzing the individual aspects of the MOC and would like to share those. Maybe you find some of this useful. My aim is constructive criticism, so I hope this comes across as such and is not seen as me being negative about everything. Also, of course, this is just my personal opinion.

MOC in total:

  • as said, looks great as a whole
  • reasoning behind using a Metru torso is understandable, but I wonder if this might not keep the MOC back a bit - because it necessitates this awkward shoulder connection (I personally really do not like how the Metru shoulder mod looks)
  • also, this is way too detailed to fit in perfectly with Lhikan’s set - I am of course of the opinion that it doesn’t need to, but then the use of the Metru torso feels, again, somewhat limiting of a choice


  • kinda only the shoulders to adress here: as said, I do not like the Metru torso shoulder mod because I think it looks awkward, but you have to be commended for not making it illegal. If the necessary additional contraption on the back of the shoulders is visually worth it, however, is probably debatable. I suppose it’s at least not visible from the front.


  • Upper legs: I think two design choices here are not perfect:
    a) the back of the upper legs is too thick by half a unit in my eyes, and thus looks a bit awkward. Unfortunately, they way this is built does not allow for something that would move the Metru armor inwards this one half of a unit. I’d thus personally recommend a different upper leg build, also because:
    b) those connector pieces used on the front - the upper one extends on the sides right to below the ball socket. I know from expereience that this poses issues with fitting a Metru hip. Basically, it makes it impossible to reach a 90° angle straight downwards. I definitely understand the problem of building decent custom upper legs on that scale, though.
  • Feet: as someone who pays lots of attention to poseability, Slizer heads as feet have always made me uncomfortable because of the ankle orientation they demand. Limiting the gunmetal only to the upper body looks really good, but maybe using gunmetal Metru feet and some more gunmetal somewhere else on the legs might also work, and improve the feet. Alternatively, of course, black Metru feet are also an option. It is a shame because Slizer feet are actually looking good, but those ankles…


  • first impression: really nice
  • second impression: still nice, but it’s more… ridged than barbed? Plus the “barbs” do not look very offensive, which I believe some Gregquote said? (Something along the lines of “the barbs are there to cause more severe wounds”)
  • third impression - those Thornax launcher pieces look like they’re a little bit under stress, being forced outwards by the sword’s core?

That’s it, I think. Perhaps this sparks some ideas for further improvement. Gotta support future entries that use designs I agree with if these contests have to happen :wink: .


Really nice MOC, I really hope she ends in the finals. I love the sword design, the barbed part works really well, while it still looks like a sword.

I really like the overall design. I find her just a little too detailed to fit with Lhikan, but that just me nitpicking. My only concern is I’m not sure how stable is that shoulder build.

About feet posability, maybe you could use the Piraka arm instead, to give her more forward and backward movement


Thank you @Gilahu !! :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts:

I read your advices, and I feel they are very effective! :wink:
The opinions I can offer are as follows. (Conversely, I agree with most of the others, so I’m considering improving them)

As for Feet, this is intentional.
It’s natural to feel uncomfortable because this connection is unfamiliar “for BIONICLE”, but I also have other action figures in my collection such as S.H.Figuarts.
What I have gained as a result of this experience is that each character requires a different range of motion, and a common joint structure is not necessarily better.
Her weapon is a sword, and when posing with a sword (example, swinging), the most important thing is “stepping on it” and “center of gravity”, and in this case, the figure needs “an ankle that can move sideways and widely”.
The disadvantage of the “common” BIONICLE foot is that while it has a wide range of motion back and forth, it has a narrow lateral rotation range, which prevents the figure from taking a strong step when the legs are spread wide.
(As you can see by actually moving your ankle, the human ankle does not move back and forth very much. Most BIONICLE feet rarely use their full range of motion, which is almost 90 degrees. So I choose this method for Tuyet )

And about sword’s Thornax launcher pieces is, yes.
But they were originally designed to be pressed and deformed (deliberately stressed) by the finger to fire the Thornax, so they are made softer than other parts and very hard to break.
There was no other way to do this, but I adopted it because I wanted to demonstrate this "softness that makes it possible.

But Thank you many advices! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts:
I noticed after being warned that her thighs in particular were getting too thick.
After all, I realized that human need to get a good night’s sleep to function properly… :innocent: :partying_face:
Now I have to fix her, after sleeping… :rofl:

Thank you @Huemus !! :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts:
About her shoulder, I think it has enough stable.
As you can see, it’s a little shaky, but she can hold the sword steady and it won’t fall off naturally.
(At least it has strong more than original Krakua’s shoulder)

About forward and backward movement, I’ve already said.
But thank you for your advice! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts:


Fair enough. I considered that as well after seeing this picture:

Since you’re using limb pieces for the lower legs, this does of course mean more freedom in articulation in all directions since there’s room above the balljoint. I suppose that could be seen as both benefitting “normal” feet to function better sideways as well as Slizer feet to function somewhat on the “normal” axis.


Sword is cool.

But Metru Tuyet… :hauboutno:

She’s really cool. I like how the Heartlight section looks. I like how the Vents look. The Sword is pretty great as well. The only thing I’m not a fan of are the red eyes, as it makes the fact that the eyes turn red when the Nui stone is in use kinda redundant. But it makes sense considering the standard eye colors.

Could you please stop with complaining so much about the Metru torso. It gets annoying.


Metru Tuyet and Metru Nidhiki is stuff that just shouldn’t get into canon

And why? It is not impossible. If people see them as Metru then let them.
You should stop being so extreme about one little thing.

And as this gets off topic please continue it somewhere else.


Fantastic! Each of your builds is so thought out and wonderfully put together! You’ve got my vote for the contest. I really wish I had the pieces to build this right now


Well I know what I’m voting for in the contest.

It’s this, by the way.


Thank you @TTheLus ! :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts:
I’m so glad you like the sword! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
And I understand that you hate Metru-torso, but I recommend talking about this in the discussion topic from now on.This is “Metru-torso’s topic”. :sweat:
(I didn’t really care this time, but this way of talking can lead to a fight depending on the situation with the other party. Please be careful!)
But again, I’m really glad you liked my sword! :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you @Senit !! :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts:
I’m sorry about the red eye! :rofl:
I chose this color because I like Tuyet’s glittering red eyes against the dark blue armor. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
And I’m grateful to you that you like her heartlight!

Thank you @anon55031085 ! :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts:
I’m so glad you like my style! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
It’s also my obsession that Tuyet is Metru-body and Nidhiki is not (I don’t know if both can win, but at least in my headcanon, they so).

Thank you @Eilrach !! :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts:
Thank you for vote in future! :stuck_out_tongue: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you @ToaArcan !! :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts:
Thank you for vote in future, you too! :stuck_out_tongue: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :joy:



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Thank you @Takutanuva !! :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

And I succeeded in correcting the shortcomings in the range of motion and the thickness of the thighs that were pointed out, without losing her powerful impression as a swordwomen and with little change in the design itself.
(I will not change the Metru body as it is a fundamental concept. I apologize for that)

Thank you again @Gilahu !!
Your adviced hepled me to make her looks better! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I forgot to mention this: I concentrated the circular hole detailing on her back in a barnacle motif to harmonize the necessary structure of her shoulder structure with the aesthetic of her appearance. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Super neat sword, it’s not bulky, it not too large, it fits perfectly and has the spiky vibe.

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Thank you @SFtheGreat ! :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts:

It was very difficult work. but I’m glad finishing this!

That’s a great improvement on the thighs!

I personally find adding Exo force robot arms like this a bit too flimsy of a connection, but I cannot deny that they really round off the upper legs here.

It’s also unfortunate that this 2L axle connector doesn’t come in dark blue. I think that’d be the little bit that’d really make it perfect in appearance. Alas, it’s not to be…
Hm… have you looked into making one of the sockets in the upper legs dark blue? I think that extra bit of colour could work.


Thank you again @Gilahu ! :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts:

Thanks again for your input, but I’ll stop my revision here.

First, about Robot-arm, when I actually build it, this part hardly works.
As you can see from the picture, I have no illegal connections, but they mesh well with each other like a circle of wisdom, so that they do not easily change their position or fall off even if they receive a shock.

And about sockets, I intentionally made them black and gunmetal as well.
When I added the robot arm, I designed it as a “small armor or accoutrement worn on the waist” (which is why the socket at the base is the same gunmetal as the robot arm).
I also reviewed the color scheme when I revised it and decided that the dark blue behind her thighs was itself a mistake in the very first design.
Therefore, I chose to keep the thighs in black and a slight gunmetal to tighten up the overall impression.

I can’t agree more to you, but still your very useful advice was definitely very helpful in improving the MOC!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I am extremely grateful to you, so much so that I even hesitate to write a word that could be interpreted as a rejection of your opinion. :rofl: :wink:
Thank you so much!!! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts: