Once a proud protector of the Matoran, Toa Tuyet has been plunged into insanity by the power of the Nui Stone. The immense strength it offered her was addicting.
Her imprisonment in the Pit was torturous, the lust for power and longing for the artifact writhing in her mind like a poisonous leech. After her eventual escape Tuyet managed to get hold of the restored Stone, however her thoughts were plagued by paranoia and fear of losing it again. Eventually she chained the artifact to her wrist, never to take part with it again, and disappeared.
I really adore the crystals you added on the MOC. A shame we did not get a movie design for her. It would’ve been an interesting spin on Bionicle: Legends of Metru Nui.
If we got a movie design for her, she’d look just like Lhikan and the Toa Metru. Almost every Tuyet MOC is a metru build which is incredibly boring and restricting
I really like what’s going on here. The arms are ok, and the legs and torso look amazing! The sword design is simple, but unique (the little guard in the hilt works so well). My one big critique would be the head/mask choice. Maybe it’s just because I personally detest the look of the Kakama Nuva, but the head just looks a like it’s placed too far above the shoulders, and comes across as a little cartoonishly big. I Would seriously love to see what she might look like with it. sawpped out for Nokama’s mask on a traditional Metru head. Either way, this build rocks.
My one big critique would be the head/mask choice.
I don’t have nokama’s mask unfortunately. I also specifically sought after the kakama nuva in blue because it sort of matches the organic spiky vibe of the torso (was split initially between the pakari and kakama, but i like kakama more).
Also the arms are rly simple because I really struggle with making them not bulky without illegal connections or system lol
the little guard in the hilt works so well
Since her weapon is called a BROADSWORD (pic) I was initially going to give it a basket guard, but pohatu’s claws weren’t really working out so this is the second best option lol
the head just looks a like it’s placed too far above the shoulders
Yeah, I kinda have the same problem with it. Unfortunately the only way I can describe her torso is “horrifying fent contraption” and I really needed to put some panels up there to cover a gaping hole.