1: Alien life exists in the Milky Way
2: Jake Paul will take over the Tonight Show in 2022
3: Something very vague will happen in a certain amount of time
Yep. I wish I had a turtle.
-I eat a lot yet somehow am not fat
-I read a lot
-my highest killstreak in TF2 was 3.
This one’s a lie
-I don’t like soup
-I like bionicle 2008
-My dogs name is Turtle
This topic was dead for years
I just revived this topic
This topic never existed
okay, actual list:
I own a katana
I met Greg Farshtey once
I am bilingual
Edit: it’s kinda funny rereading my old posts and seeing the things that were lies back then but are no longer false.
- I work for the government
- I have never left the United States
- I own a minifigure worth $199.99
I’m American
I’ve never opened a sealed bionicle G1 set
I have a good, functioning computer
- Never broke a bone.
- My favorite game is Shadow of the Colossus
- I’m color-blind
I’m swingin for the fences and guessing this is the lie
- I’ve only been to three countries
- I changed my last name when I was six years old
- I love black licorice
It’s really hard to guess, but I’ll go with this one. Seems less probable than the other two.
- I own every figure from the 2006 Knights’ Kingdom constraction line
- My tablet home screen features 131 copies of the Mircosoft Teams app
- I’ve 100% played through Gekisou Sentai Carranger on the SNES 12 times
That’s a lot of stuff I don’t understand, but I will say that
is a lie. I’ve seen Lord Vladek prices…
- I own every Bionicle 2004 set (excluding Kraatu)
- I own every Bionicle 2016 set (excluding the scorpion foil pack)
- I own every 2017 monthly mini model set.
No cigar, black licorice is a delight
I feel like this is too likely to be Ghidmeming to be anything but the lie
Arbitrarily guessing this is the lie
how’d he know
Wekua, you either are like me and search BrickLink prices every day or you’re a really good guesser
Then I’m gonna go with this.
That’s correct! Indeed, I don’t yet have Lord Vladek.

I feel like this is too likely to be Ghidmeming to be anything but the lie
Well, actually…

you’re a really good guesser
Even I get lucky sometimes (you know what they say about a stopped clock)

I’m gonna go with this.
You got it I ain’t never left this country

Well, actually
I’m floored
Here’s another one, this time only related to Lego.
- I have more Jack Stone minifigures than canister-size bad guys from Bionicle
- I have 3 Bohrok but no Krana, and 3 Rahkshi but no Kraata
- I don’t have a single thing from Bionicle G2
I vote 2 is the lie
Got more copies of Teams than my local government office…

have 3 Bohrok but no Krana, and 3 Rahkshi but no Kraata
I also vote this is a lie. Kraata i understand, but krana are everywhere.
Nice, both correct. I do have one single Krana.
I ate squid-on-a-stick
I ate fried beetles
I ate chicken feet