Type 40 Predator: Conquerer of the wintertime

Manufactured by Rotaka engineering, the Type 40 is an all terrain, heavy duty snowmobile. Although primitive in design, it is highly utilitarian and capable of speeds exceeding 200mph. Rather rough-and-tumble, it was originally produced for an off world military dispute, and few exist on the bionicle planet today.

The model features a rotating track and details including an engine, a dark grey seat and curved skis. It also features some characteristics of a chopper-style motorcycle, like a curved metal bar as a backrest and a profile low enough for the rider to touch the ground with her feet. As for her name, I have no clue. Just thought it looked like a she.

Did you like the MOC? Let me know what I could do better or simply what you like about it in the replies. Thanks!


At least someone found a use for Gahlok-Kal’s faceplate.


The use of the gears in the bike are really cool.

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@Invader If you’ve seen vehicle Mocs before, chances are you’ve seen bohrok faceplates used as hoods. It’s a relatively common use of the part that I have seen a lot before, and I really liked it, so I adopted it into this.

@BBricks I didn’t use that many, but it is something I never thought about until you brought it up. Thanks!

I greatly enjoy the sled’s design.

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Yeah. Twas’ a joke.

Aww yeah, another great vehicle set, the use of the gears and the makuta chest is excellent and it really invokes the look of a chopper crossed with a sled, fantastic.

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Whoah, I never thought this one would be so well received. Thanks a lot guys! The figure does seem a bit big, you know! And two comments about the gears, you guys know I put them just to hold the track axle and the smokestack-thingies coming from the engine, right? They don’t do anything. That would be cool though…

I like to imagine this as the boxor Kal.