Ultimate Dume 2.0 (ver.Panem)

After much planning and a few nights worth of rebuilding, I’ve near fully overhauled my old Teridax.

Finally achieving the bulk I wanted, the main thing I did was try and center the build around the titan Takanuva chest and some gunmetal leg guards like the old Teridax had. Now with a more compact leg build, I was able to get an armor look I like.

The torso is now built around two pieces, a mistika Makuta torso and a black Toa Mahri torso. The Makuta torso was the core, while the Mahri torso supports the wings and arm support joints while giving some extra room for the leg/waist supports.

Now he’s got both the height and bulk against the Toa.

I need to find some rods with stoppers on the end to clean up the chest plate, but other than that I think this has been a good improvement over my last version.


This entire build looks very good, but the left hand sticks out; it looks like it would be extra good at grabbing things.