Umarak the Demon Hunter

Hey if you don’t mind, can you show me how the hips are made? I want to play around with them, probably wont use it for anything though.

I’ve already explained that part. It’s just a personal choice based on how I would have written the 2016 story.

Actually I find them to be less limited than most feet, just not nearly as good looking as the similarly sized Bohrok foot that I’m certain you’ve figured out my love for. It’s just more complete.

It’s actually easier to describe than to actually disassemble. It takes two of the shortest stopper-axles with studs on the ends (typically found in dark tan or dark gray), and threads them through the pinholes on the sides of a Shadow Trap. Where they meet, I’ve got a CCBS socket (the upgraded BIONICLE hand connector of old) facing socket up for the waist joint, and a four unit long axle through the bottom of it for the hips, with balljoints for the actual connection.

I’ve got the dark red Bohrok eye in the empty axle space for the FRONT stopper axle, but be very certain to always leave one side empty or else it gets very complicated and difficult to get it disassembled. Ever.

Which is saying something because getting these apart is already a pain.

If you need more accurate description I can try to disassemble them and send you some pictures though. Just can’t assure you’ll get them immediately.


Thanks, I may have figured that out on my own though…
(and nearly got the stoppers stuck in the trap by added a bohrok eye to both of them.)

Yup, sounds about right. I found out the same way too :stuck_out_tongue:

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I will never, ever be able to see umarak as female.

I don’t have any other complaints, besides the arms (the asymmetrical nature is off-putting, and I think the add-on looks too high up)

Nice job.

Not a fan of the feet but 9.99/10.

Bohrok feet just seem to be easier to use. you can use them on a humanoid, or a creature, you could even use them as a base to a torso. Beast/protector feet just seem pretty useless in comparison. and it normally needs something added so it will look good and not just lazy.

Seeing as I’ve used Bohrok feet as feet for humanoids, creatures, and as the base for torso…believe me, I know what ya mean :stuck_out_tongue:

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Looks awesome! I love how you used the shadow trap as a skirt!