Some Bionicle drawings I did for fun and have not (or may never finish, depends).
These are great
Amazing work!
Eelek there is trying to swat a fly.
Kriika tho.
Pretty awesome!
Pretty nifty.
Who that Pridak looks so promising!
I really enjoy your style, but the first Mantax doesn’t really work…
You mean with the erspective on that one arm?
Other than that, I actually prefer that one!
For me it’s more the amount of black that ruins it for me…
Drawing black is hard…
There’s no way to shade it…
I cri evrytim I tri 2 draw black
One of these things is not like the other…
…shocking as it may be to think about such a thing.
A bit of a weird, messy style, but they’re pretty good. Really like the Krika one the most.
These look great, fantastic work. The messy-sketchy looking style may be a con in some eyes, I think it works well, but cleaning them up would make some of these a lot better.
Wow, these are…
Really sketchy
No, but in all seriousness, your art style is really cool. The only problem I would come close to having with it is that it can be a little too heavy on the blacks at times