Unmutated Barraki (Takadox, Carapar, Pridak, Ehlek)

I decided to join the slew of people doing their own takes on the pre-Pit Barraki. I built them under the assumption that their unmutated forms would greatly resemble their mutated bodies with a higher emphasis on mechanical rather than organic parts. I also attempted to bestow upon them a more regal air that I believe was largely successful.


Build-wise this is probably the best of the four. I’m especially pleased with the custom head, which ended up looking more bug-like than the original head piece.


Despite being a basic Inika-build I quite like how this one turned out. Not much really changes post-mutation in this case but I think it suits his character well.


I tried to match the proportions to the sets as closely as possible but Pridak gave me very little to work with. I think the body is a visual improvement over the emaciated waist-swivel but it seems all the derp has relocated to his face which I couldn’t get to look intimidating regardless of what I tried with my available parts.


I originally tried building Ehlek with a Metru torso, which obviously didn’t stick. The head suffers from the derp similarly to Pridak but to a lesser extent. Making use of the round Barraki eyes on a custom head is surprisingly difficult to make intimidating.

Extra Photos

Thanks Greg for killing off Carapar so that I can’t have him in pictures with Vahlix post-restoration.


I like the shaping of derps head.