Unnamed Wanderer

This Is the Unnamed Wanderer
He does have four arms for the reason of I felt like for him they would ad ways to make an interesting fight.

Sorry if the pictures aren’t clear enough. Just ask for better photos and i will take them as soon as possible.


People should learn to put MoCs in the Lego Creations sub-category

Lookin’ pretty dandy, there. The upper arms aren’t too pleasing.


A washing machine is probably the most creative platform for moc photos I’ve seen yet.
Overall, the mocs are pretty basic, but I like the four armed one.

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I tried to make the arms more interesting but the way i did it ruined the movement of it. So i went with boring arms for the sake of stop motion.

[quote=“Voriki_Toa_of_Electricity, post:1, topic:19457”]
This Is the Unnamed Wanderer

Meh, it’s just a beefed up Stroniu- scrolls down


General Greivious’s Brother


General Grievous’ Turkish bootleg.


Stronius’s dream has always been to have four arms like his idol.


I really like it but it seem a bit to thin when all its arms are out
@Rockho my exact thoughts

First picture: Oh, it’s the legends skrall whose name I can never spell. Cool job, a bit small-
Second picture OH MY GOSH that’s awesome!

Great work!

The arms look a bit thin compared to the rest of the moc, but overall good job

First picture- Oh, it’s a beefed up Strominus
Second Picture-
(I know someone already did this, but these were my exact thoughts while reading this) :wink:


Okay for an Inika build. Consistent colors.

I think the arms that don’t fold away could stand to get armor or something. the three pinholes on the upper arm all exposed like that is kinda unsightly.

This is a helluva cool MOC.

At first I was like, “It’s just another Inika build, but with extra bulk”.
Sees this photo…

I don’t have anything else to say… Oh the limbs are a little simple… But that is all.

It’s like Someone melted down Stronius, and Skull Slicer, stirred, added a pinch of Grievous, and a dash of Basher, then rested in the fridge, and baked…

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I got to say this looks freaking nice!
Nice cover up.

All Phineas and Ferb gifs are appreciated.

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