Unpopular Opinions about LEGO

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Only if you want your bionicles to have human proportions. Here’s my unpopular opinion - I like the Inika proportions


I admit it clearly.
Yes, to be exact, Metru Torso is poor.
shoulders connecting method of Metru Build is very bad.

But somehow, many people underestimate Inika Build.

I admit that metru proportions is good, but I prefer Inika Build.
Of course, I like custom builds tailored to metru proportion.

There will be a lot of complaints if we have been enjoying many benefits in a highly developed city and then suddenly have to hunt in a quiet countryside for a thousand years.

I think 10,000 years would be appropriate at the longest.

This is my opinion.

The name Teridax is really su… weird.
It’s like a teddy bear.

I think Greg hates Toa Mahri.
Except for robot Jesus.
well, greg eventually killed him


I mean that hardly seems unpopular

heck, I kind of prefer the inika proportions given the circumstance
the build itself? nah


It would certainly make them more interesting

Y’know what I actually agree with this.

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I don’t know if this an unpopular opinion, but here’s a mini-rant.

Set Designers aren’t credited enough.

Now I could just be blind, and it does seem this has been slowly changing in the past decade, but quite frankly, learning the names of anyone who designed a set is unreasonable difficult. Who are these people? What all have they designed, what are they responsible for? Same goes for part designers and the like. The fact I can name dozens MOCists, fan artists, and even part designers before I can even list five official Lego folks seems quite insulting.

Even fan sites that occasionally list the designer(s) responsible aren’t designed to be searched that way. Like with Brickset, put in a name and nothing will show up. Find the set first and click on the tag, then you’ll find it. And it seems that plenty of the names listed were identified by the designers themselves. With Brickset in particular, I failed to find a single traditional constraction set that is credited, but BS01 does have a couple designers and their sets identified.

The lack of respect for set designers in the Bionicle community is particularly odd. Especially those more focused on the lore and story end, as it seems plenty find the set designers’ contributions or intentions irrelevant. A strange mindset to have, when plenty fans will say Lego doesn’t sell stories and it’s always toys first. It’s not like story teams at the LEGO Group were or are constantly at the mercy of the set designers, it seems to be a collaborative process. Such as the Shadow and Av-Matoran having unique masks due to an earlier story team decision for them being able to use Kanohi.

Bottom line, designers should be credited and known in general. And for themes with more story, they shouldn’t be considered irrelevant or having no valuable input on the matter.


I unironically agree with this

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Brickset has listed one of the designers for some of the late G2 sets though…
Apparently, most of the G2 sets and the Star Wars Ultrabuilds were designed by a guy named John Ho . But usually a whole team of designers is behind each LEGO wave, so the fact that we only know the name of one of them is indeed quite disheartening.

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Forgot to check the Star Wars ones! I looked at the Legends of Chima figures, since most of the System sets were credited, but didn’t see any for those sets. G2, I admittedly only looked at LOSS and Kopaka Master and figured the rest of the line was uncredited like Hero Factory. Because if none of the HF sets, even up to 2014, were credited, why would any 2015? Should have done more thorough homework, thanks for letting me know.


I think the mask of emulation should’ve had a different design or none at all. The official one looks too similar to the Jutlin and it’s hard trying to design a MoE without looking like some version of Antroz or really awkward.


people need to stop shoving 5 fingered custom hands on the toa mata.
Just give everyone the 2 finger claws, BtG style.


the hero factory hands look like ding dong as hands on most bionicle mocs. not hero factory mocs, not not-lego-themed mocs, just bionicle mocs.


really the main issue with the glatorian/hero factory fists is how long the wrists are

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Well, I have a few:

1. I prefer Journey to one over the 2015 web miniseries.

2. I like the post 2010 serials.
(The yesterday’s quest & The powers that be.)

3. I like the Toa Hordika. (As a concept at least, the sets could have been better, though.)

4. G2 should have debuted later. (Around 2020, or in this year…)

5. I loved the Star Wars buildable figures.

Yeah, that is all I can think of now. :slightly_smiling_face:


I agree with this!

I also agree with this, but mainly i loved them for the cool parts.


I don’t know about the Toa Mahri as a whole (the whole volcano fiasco might be a good argument for it, though), but I’m fairly sure he dislikes Le characters and Kongu in particular.

Weird because he was a fairly no-nonsense Kopaka-like guy in MNOG. You already had the team’s Kopaka (Greg’s favorite character), and yet you had to make him into yet another quipping machine with bad luck.
Yes, I know there is a quote by Kongu himself that should make me think this was good character development. But I’ll reserve my doubts whether this was intended development or deliberate (or not) derailment. Not everyone needs to be a snarky jokester, as shocking as that might sound.

G2 was actually good
I liked HF
I think TLR was better then MoL
My fav bionicle canister heros are Hahli Mahri and Akida (Creature of Water



now that’s controversial


I think Chima is better than Ninjago.
Nexo Knights would have been more interesting if all the sets just had generic soldiers like these sets had:


hahaha yep

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