Unrealistic Wishes for Bionicle

Sorry. Didn’t know I came across that way.

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its alright mang

that’s good, does not seem unrealistic though, seems pretty plausible actually

anyways my wish is for Makuta to become more and more complex as a character as the story goes, from becoming ust a jealous brother to becoming a psychopathic evil master mind


My wish is that that Takanuva never shows up in Bionicle gen 2.


Super-detailed titan versions of all the Toa Mahri, with three functions and fantastic posability each. And the Cordak blasters are replaced by the new 2015 stud shooters.

Also, Lariska as a Bo-Vortixx set.

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Yes, so much yes. I would snatch it up.


I moved 3 posts to an existing topic: Star Wars Topic


Yeah, me too.

Edit: I like how this discussion somehow keeps going back to Star Wars.


Bionicle 2010, 11 and 12 as it was planned to be :stuck_out_tongue:
With Element Lord and Baterra sets


Now, before you all tear me to bits for defiling one of the greatest villains of all time, Teridax is exempt from what I am about to say. I speak only of the G2 Makuta.

I want a redemption story for Makuta.
Ideally, it would play out sorta like this:

First year: 2015.
The Toa awaken Ekimu and he defeats Skull Grinder in a fight for the Mask of Creation.

Second year: 2016
Makuta is inadvertently awakened by the efforts of the Toa and Ekimu, and begins to search for his Mask of Control, so that he may take over Okoto.
The Toa get new gear from Ekimu and go off to fight Makuta.
They are laughably overpowered and Ekimu realizes that he’ll have to dust off his hammer once more, and that he may have to kill his brother to stop him from destroying their land.
Epic battle ensues, Protector-sized Ekimu vs. Fire-Lord-sized Makuta in a battle that lasts many days and stretches all over Okoto.
Ekimu lands a lucky blow, and, as he is about to kill his brother, the darkness of the Mask of Ultimate Power that had been tainting Makuta’s body and spirit up to now leaves and Makuta is once again on the side of his fellow Mask Maker.

Third year: 2017
Makuta, while no longer evil, is far from accepted into the ranks of the Order of Mask Makers, and has to prove himself to his hopeful but skeptical brother.
Makuta crafts the Toa some more armor and they all go off to fight a manifestation of the MoUP’s power.
Epic battle ensues, as the MoUP is about to off the Toa once and for all, Makuta steps into its path, simultaneously saving the Toa from the killing blow and unleashing his full might against the mask, destroying it.
Makuta dies a hero.

I know that this will never happen, but a man can dream.

  • saves for fanfiction material *

that could actually be pretty cool, what would happen if the story gets extended (which it may very well might)

I am unsure, probably a new evil, created inadvertently by Makuta, Ekimu, or the Toa, will arise and the Toa (or perhaps new Toa) will have to fight it.
It was meant to work within the three-year time-frame producing a closed story, while leaving it open for continuation.

A good analogy would be Godzilla films.
After the final battle, you are left with a feeling of closure, but, since Godzilla returns to the ocean every time, there is always the possibility for continuation.

I’d prefer new toa team, or maybe it would be a prequal about an “Ancient city” and after that ark Ekimu is dying and a new team is sent to try and heal him ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Wouldn’t that be a reboot of the Toa Inika/Mahri story arc?

that’s the joke :slight_smile:


Really extreme titan sets of every Toa (with pistons, hip movement, sliding armour) like how Gundam has Perfect Grades versus what is comparatively High Grade. Just so much building :'D


I honestly don’t connect Teridax with G2 Makuta very much.

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  • Having a fully fleshed out Bionicle RPG that updates overtime as the years go by.
  • Having a proper Extended Universe tie with the previous generation.
  • Introduce numerous Protector villagers that have names.
  • Making the prices of the sets lower but the same piece count.
  • Have another compelling main villain besides generic Makuta at this point.
  • Dont treat Bionicle just as a toyline but allow it to grow outside that fact.
  • TV series that has animation in par with Avatar series.

This. Sounds. AMAZING!

Talk about unrealistic expectations. :stuck_out_tongue:


BIONICLE’s that transform as sets. Hasbro pulls out the suing paper