Unusual Colour Schemes In BIONICLE

Doesn’t make it an unusual one. Unusual is along the lines of mata red with sand blue and magenta…


Do you think the 2016 sets will have magenta pieces? That friends green colour that the skull spiders has looks very cool

I think they were alright.

Their colour schemes were consistent despite having a super low piece count which meant background colours would have been less likely to have been used. I wonder how different the 2016 toa’s colour scheme will be to their creature counterparts

I know you’re highly suspect, but dang.

Idris, from the Karzahni set

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Colour schemes do you hope for in 2016?

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Honestly? Same as 2015. As for summer sets, I’d really like to see some warlord/knight type guys with metru colors.


The metru colours were overused in the later years of g1 in my honest opinion


Yeah, they were. I think they’d look sweet with trans colored bones underneath though. Maybe like haunted suits of armor.


Metru colours and transparent colours sound like a great combination. If metru armour pieces had transparent bones it would look like there’s elemental powers flowing through them and their bones


Its not a bad color but purple in general is an odd color for bionicle

Why do you say purple is an odd colour for bionicle? Some of the sets from 2001 had purple


Teal with green.


That sounds awesome. We haven’t had teal pieces since 2001 with the mctoran kongu set and the tarakava

yes, but it just seems like the strangest combination of them all. Don’t get me wrong, I liked all of those color schemes, but that one was the least interesting. The colors were too similar compared to the others

I agree that teal and green are too similar, but what if a set had beige/sand with teal/turquiose

That would be cool. I just think the lime/teal combo was the least vibrant. I like it even less than Matoro’s sand blue with the white combo. I really liked Takua, Nuparu, Onepu, and Jaller’s color schemes

Lime and teal sounds like a great colour scheme. Nuparau Inika’s colour scheme being black and light gray had quite a lot of contrast. I think Matoro and Maku’s colour schemes as matoran were kind of boring, but that’s just my honest opinion

I agree with the latter, but not with the Lime/teal of Kongu. I just think he looked kind of… bland. I mean, I liked those colors, but together, it feels like mixing white with very light grey. The two don’t really show anything, and don’t stick out from the rest. I feel like i’m crazy for liking the Umbra set, but I kinda like sets with colors that stick out from the rest. I know that the umbra is supposed to be the darkest part of a shadow, so a more suiting name might be something like “Guardiax”, or “Marama”.

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