Upgraded Trinuma [Revamp]

Just like my previous revamp, Spiriah, Trinuma should be upgraded with just parts from Tahu, Gali, and Onua Mistika (I hope I got the parts count right).
Here’s a tutorial if anyone wants to build him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYZCsuaLpmE

And here’s a list of the main upgrades:

  • He’s much taller and a bit bulkier than the original combiner.
  • His elbow articulations now let the arms move properly, and you get the bonus of arms swivel as well.
  • He gets two new weapons in the form of an upgraded Ghost blaster and a small curved dagger.
  • He can now accommodate an Av-Matoran on his back just like the Toa Phantoka/Mistika.
  • The two shoulder-mounted blasters can be moved independently and you can almost use the technic liftarm as a lever.

As a bonus, Trinuma vs Spiriah! I don’t know if they ever faced in battle, but given that they’re both combo models from 2008 I thought it would have been cool to see them clash.


Awesome! Just like Spiriah, you did a fantastic job improving the model with just the available pieces. Unlike the barebones original, this really looks like a model worth building.
I don’t own any Phantoka or Mistika sets yet, but if I eventually have enough, I’m certainly gonna build this or Spiriah.


Definitely an improvement over the original. If it weren’t for the awful sockets of this era I’d try building it myself :thinking: