Vahki revamp enforcers of metru mui unit G-8615 Bordakh

The vahki are the ruthless enforcers of metru nui built to uphold peace and order all over the island vahki bordakh is one such vahki unit deployed

this variation of the build was made with one thing in mind to be a simple army builder moc that could have millions of it made with all alternative changes only being to the color and head crest along with weapons.
the torso design is a bit complex but stable so there isn’t a need to worry about random parts explosion all over the place

the vahki moc build does allow for thew quadruped mode the vahki are also well known for in order to pursue fleeing matoran

if you ever ran into the vahki what would you do? surrender? or run?

feel free to leave any thoughts or opinions on the build i enjoy hearing what has to be said as it helps out with making mocs


OOOO very cool!!


I’m always happy to see more vahki MOCs here, and due to how much I like them, I’m going to be a bit more thorough.

Obviously, you’ve chosen the best vahki, bordakh. I would give you credit, but it’s so obviously the best color scheme, that I expected nothing less. Implementing quadruped mode is another staple for vahki revamps, and I think you did a good enough job making it look as natural as it can.

One of they key things I think you’re missing, is the shape of the torso, and more broadly the vahki aesthetic. I can see you tried to do some shaping on the chest, using the mata foot, but I think it would’ve been much better to bend the entire upper body instead. Vahki look hunched over, and yours is pretty much straight up. Additionally, the arms and legs are both fairly smooth, another thing I don’t really picture as suiting for vahki. Finally, I just wish there was orange highlights thrown in. There aren’t many orange pieces to work with, but it would go a long way.


Ah this looks good. As @Krelikan said, it looks a bit slender for a Vahki and it probably needs more orange, but overall it’s pretty nice.


i will agree with Rukah and Krekilan and say that is a bit skinny.


Honestly surprised you didn’t agree with Rukah and Krelikan that it needed some orange to go with that blue

Regarding the OP, I really like this build. Honestly it’s pretty versatile, be it for Vahki, Makita, Toa, Dark Hunter MoCs… I think you’ve got a nice template here. I also enjoy the orientation of the blades; folding them back makes them feel more like interchangeable weapons and less like permanent attachments, a notion I never cared for.

Nice work, 10/10!

well that’s because i don’t