Varapa - Matoran Self-MOC

I actually got the parts for him a while back and posted him in the “Look What I Got” Topic. However, he was wearing a Hau and I wasn’t a big fan of the Hau on him and ended up going through a few masks and came up with the Pakari as my favorite for him. Afterwards, i decided to make him my Self-MOC

This is Varapa. He’s a simple tool maker with few friends. He spends most of his time forging, always working on a way to make better quality tools for both Matoran and Toa alike.


simple but effective… AND CUTE

Simple, but he looks pretty good.

Always liked the Metrutoran, and this guy is no exception. Good job!

Yeah I know he’s simple. I’m not much of a MOC-ist and I just wanted to kinda try something out. Thanks for liking him :stuck_out_tongue:

So basically a mertu-toran?
(It works, though!)