Various Unposted Mocs Part 1

So this is gonna be a bit of an unpolished post lol

I am currently in a living situation that makes moccing very annoying, so sadly my output of mocs has decreased. But, I have a bit of a backlog of mocs which I haven’t posted here, so I’ll send a few here now.

I genuinely forgot why exactly I made this moc, but it was definitely inspired by something. The idea of turbines on the shoulders was the main idea tho, and then I built the legs and was like “it’s gamer time” (real quote)

If you held me at squid laucher point and forced me to make lore I’d say she’s a Toa of Sonics with a combat tuning fork. No clue how thatt would work.

Also if you follow me on insta you’ve be familiar with some of these but I need content so oh well

This is a MOV of a friend from insta, my take on his character Valkyrie. She’s supposed to be like half dragon half person, but I wanted to lean more into that dragon side. I also tried to convey a more feathered look because I had just watched a video about which dinos had feathers and was like “hehe fluffy” (Also a real quote) ((Not really))

While the other mocs I sent are like only a few months old by this point, this moc is much older, I think going back to early 2021. I believe I created her due to wanting to use the Karpar armor for something, and generally being somehow inspired by something water-related. This is another one of those “I created it but never came up with lore and then never posted it” kinda mocs, and it’s just been sitting here until now. But hey, better late than never.

Let’s finish with one more MOV, this time of my friend Ohawka. He’s usually a lot more regular Toa looking, but this was an alternative universe take on the character in which he’s edgy or something. I swear I can make good lore if I want but these are all just mocs that i just never got around to making lore for/ didn’t need it. To make up for it I’ll post some more lore heavy stuff next time (brief character descriptions).

Anyways hopefully I will be able to output some new mocs soon but I have quite a few mocs in the backlog, so I’ll be releasing those slowly just to remind people that I exist here. Have a day


oo these look great!


I was just looking at Ribs last night and thinking ‘man, MysteryMuffin has some good stuff, shame we don’t see them as often,’ and boom! Here you are.

You’ve really aced your own building style. I was just telling Monopoly he’s got a good knack for body language in his art, you have the same talent here in plastic. Much of that has to do with the pose and photography, but much of it has to do with your building technique. I mean, I could see these guys in an anime or a Simon Stalenhaag book just as they are, very expressive and unique unto themselves.

First one is my personal favorite; the proportions, colors, lots of pistons. That’s my cup of coffee right there.

Nice job! 10/10!


Yeah like Wekua said you clearly have a distinct style of moccing and the mocs look really awesome. The color schemes are great, shaping is good, and all of the mocs’ builds just flow together really well. Amazing job on them, I like 'em


Dang, that moc with the adaptive pakari is just

Very nice👌


I love the way you use parts on these characters! I’ve never seen anyone make stuff with Carapar’s armor, so that was definitely a fresh take on those parts. I also like the other characters. You just have very good design choices here. I may end up using some of these for inspiration at some point!


cool mask on the last one and good system integration
and thanks I will have a day.


These are very good mocs. I have a bunch of Mocs on backlog too, but none of them are of this quality.


man that first got them wacky proportions, and i just love that neon green on the last one!


Excellent MOCs all around, very expressive. I like how each one has at least one really defining characteristic, and the crest on the third one is especially awesome.