That one (Where’s God when I’m S-s-scared?) was one of the very first ones I owned (alongside Are You My Neighbor?) I think we had given it away because it legitimately frightened me, but I eventually wanted to watch it again so we got a new copy.
I remember hearing this. It was cool.
For me it was the Fib from Outer Space episode. (I’m sensing a pattern here…)
The only things I really remember are Larry-Boy ('cuz I had a thing for superhero parodies, and these days get most of the references) and the renditions for the Jericho story (mainly for the song posted above), the Daniel story (for all the songs, really), and the Shadrach/Meshach/Abednego story, the latter being for a variety of reasons concerning how weird it is coming back to it. I mean, it’s pretty disturbing when you think about it. You’ve got a story about child labor where the workers are forced to worship the mascot of the products they’re forced to make…and the villain gets a musical number where he sings about his fetish for rabbits of the chocolate variant. That’s like, Ranaki territory.