so fun fact
i was going to post in this topic when it was created last year
i forgot
to say that veggietales was my childhood would not be an exaggeration
for 15 years, i remained a constant watcher of the series
the wit and comedic timing was great, and i’d rewatch them all the time
Then around 2010, things started to go downhill IMO, rehashing old concepts in new ways. There were some high parts, such as
Then there were low points
Like seriously they just didn’t try with Sleeping Pea Beauty
However, I finally drew the line when Veggietales in the House was announced. Not only does it veer away from the original intention of the series, but also just looks bad. And this isn’t simply a “oh i hate change” thing, they objectively look frightening.
like seriously
look at that
At any rate, due to lack of interest and the new animation style, I’ve cut my ties with Veggietales. Twas a fun run.
That Scottish song is amazing. How did I not hear of this?
Also, I just noticed that the slushies in the Josh and the Big Wall episode are supposed to represent the boiling water people would use as a defense mechanism to keep their city walls safe.
This is what the new show looks like? I knew it existed, but I hadn’t seen much of it. Man, what did they do to Junior? @Calvatron No you’re not. And it was the Star Ship Applepies.
Having just recently found out that it started in 93… that’s pretty impressive.
I used to watch this all the time as a kid, given how I kinda had Christianity shoved in my face all the time back then (I have nothing against Christianity at all, don’t get all bent outta shape)
Looking back, it’s still a surprisingly thoughtful series. Most religious cartoons tend to be hamfisted and toss away any subtlety but BigIdea was pretty good about keeping it nice and easy when it came to downright religion.
I heard it has a documentary somewhere but I can’t find it.
I watched this as a kid on DVD. I think some episodes keep things subtle while others rub the message in your face. Honestly I feel it is a hit and miss show. Some episodes hit while others miss.
I get kick out of the one season where they had new animation but reused old episodes. Hey let’s bring this show back but not actually make new episodes.
Not too sure what the show is up to now. I know Bob and Larry did get a redesign, but that’s it.
It’s a Netflix series now, and said series is crap. Imo the religious message was important and Netflix delivers very little of that. Also the redesigns and new voicing is terrible on everyone but Mr. Lunt.
Currently? Show is cancelled after the second Netflix season and may never come back. Veggietales is pretty much dead and Big Idea hardly exists besides being owned by dreamworks.
1990’s animation quality is terrifying. (Also the original episodes, pre-Lyle, were rendered at 30 frames per second compared to 24 like most cinema, which makes it seem more realistic.)