Venator the skull crusher. Is now in the inspiration series.

I’ve been working on removing a lot of the light gray out of his body and so far it’s a lot better. Now just too gray pieces in the center body then it will look more natural. I’ve added more trans neon green Ninjago blade pieces to his head to bulkin it out in certain places and to make it look more organic. I hope you all like this head design as much as I do.


I added them because it felt more natural and fit well on the moc let me know what you guys think of them.

This is what the + is and this is just for a little laugh.

Let me know in the comments below of what weapon(s) he should have.


The head looks insane. :smiley: So good.


This is based off an Umarak the Destroyer moc, right?


His arms are really short.


@KanohiReqi no it’s inspired by the skull basher.

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@Racie02 let me know what you think about this one.

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I just recently upgraded the head design on this. I was thinking for the longest time on how to use this little green moonlight crescent blade piece on him. Then it hit me I used a new connection point so I can add these little additions to the head. And I am still thinking on what weapon would look right on him.

Makuta Vita update tomorrow.

Hope you like his new head design :grin::+1:


I swap out certain colors on my older selfmoc so I could use some different colored version of these blades because I did not have six of these one’s. But they make great new bent hilt broadswords and instead of just a regular 360 with them just decided to make them as a small comic fighting against myselfmoc.

Hope you all enjoy :grin::+1:

3 Likes you’ll have to watch to the second moc closest to the end.