This is the full update for my self MOC
#Veneras the Zealot
##Toa of Ice
##With Dagger
I always liked your avatar, cool to see an IRL rode painted to look like it.
Although, I’m not really feeling those blue fists and dagger. Try a shield maybe?
I guess you bought That Rode from that Deviant art store :? anyways, its cool moc!
You know, your Rode, reminds me of a 501st clone buy’ce (Helmet for you aruetiise who do not speak Mando’ad) I like it.
Also the robes are really nice, they fit the character well.
Very nice! Good to have a visual image of him for when we’re role-playing
I especially love those robes - I have a Ta-Toa Guard that utilizes the same aesthetic. You must tell me how you made the robes, and how you customized that Kanohi!
Usually I get really upset about edited LEGO, but you’ve done a fantastic job with that mask and it almost looks like something completely new! I also love how you’ve used the Metru build, improved it heavily and made it something new and fresh. Personally, I would’ve used a flatter foot, but that’s just a minor complaint so just ignore me on that one
Very nice work
Welcome back @Veneras !
For those who like the mask, it was a custom comission for the great artist Modalt!
For those who like the build, thank you! It took a long time to perfect, but I tried to stay true the Metru build, while also fixing its flaws.
The foot is my custom adaptation of the Mata foot, which is my favorite foot style used in bionicle.
Thanks! Maybe I’ll make a video about the robes.
As for the mask, I direct all credit to Modalt!
Kote’, burc’ya!
I’m no stranger to custom masks/helmets, but this is just awesome. Modalt did a fantastic job on that Rode.The rest is really nice too; not too complicated, but it doesn’t have a lot of gaps and the suukorak-esque color scheme works well for a toa of ice. Too bad Rahkshi legs aren’t available in white, but the robes seem to cover them well so it’s not much of a problem.
One of my favorite self-mocs.
Nice. I really like the battle skirt.
Normally I’d complain about it being a normal Metrubuild.
But the mask is just too cool for that.
Yarh, custom paint-job, yarh!
Although great MOC! Both our selves use the Metru-build, so high-four!
I usually don’t like painted pieces, but it really helps this one out.
■■■■■■. My fav is his mask!
Ah, Modalt Masks - how much did you pay, if you don’t mind me asking?
Looks awesome. Very well done, I love the robes.
isn’t white and blue normally electricity?
like it anyway, the mask is great.
Blue can be used as a secondary color for the ice element - look at Matoro.
trans blue, yeah, but mata blue?
I mean I don’t mind or anything, it’s just different.