Ven's Comics | V.4

Comic 296: We Are Venom

It’s about to really get real. For real this time.


Comic 297: Return to the Comic Land

We in Carnage Land now bois and gurls. Also I totally phoned in the new Lasher appearance but whatever. I want to make @Eljay happy.

Anyway, stay tuned! The finale is coming just around the corner!


I’m gonna need some background on the setting of this comicland at some point.


gotchu fam, i’ll make something


Comic 298: Meanwhile at Carnage HQ

Well, life has gotten a lot busier lately, so updates are gonna come in much more slowly. I was so close, too! Just two more comics!

As for the background of the comic land, I originally wanted to make a visual guide, but it looks like that will have to wait as well. In the meantime, I will provide this explanation:

The concept of the “Comic Land” was pretty much arranged by multiple different comic authors from back in the BZP days. The idea is that it is essentially the location in which all BZP BIONICLE sprite comics took place. Every author had their own studio in which the events of their comic series all took place, our symbiote characters included.

Venom once had his own studio, but it (along with many others) was destroyed during the events of V.2, when the colossal symbiote Cataclysm rampaged through the Comic Land. To defeat him, Venom fires a nuke at Cataclysm, destroying basically everything around him and attracting aliens called Xenophage to feast on Cataclysm’s remains. In V.3, which starts off as the aftermath of these events, Venom and his whole crew are blamed for everything, and they are then banished from the Comic Land by Hapori Tohu, a god-like being inspired by BZP’s mascot.

In my lore, Hapori Tohu only really has power over the inhabitants of the Comic Land, so when the Xenophage invade, he can’t do anything about them.

Yeah, I know. Crazy stuff.


Dang, it’s been almost a year since I’ve updated. That’s how long I got caught up in life n such! But I’ve been working on the next comic bit by bit over time (It’s an ambitious one) and today I finally had some time to sit down and finish it.

Comic 299: The Battle of Comic City

Just one more comic! The hardest part about doing this comic was doing the backgrounds. I couldn’t decide on how I wanted to do it for the longest time, but I finally found a style that I think works best.

That said, I’m hoping the next comic should come together a little quicker. I really hope, because good god this is so close to being completely done and I can scratch this off the mental bucket list.

To anyone who’s still following this little personal project, thank, many thank. I hope you guys like the new comic, and I can’t wait to show you what I have planned next.

Have a great summer!

EDIT: credit goes to Eljay for some symbiote sprites lmao


The time has come!

It’s been a little over half a year since I posted the last comic, and I’ll be honest… Asides from some finishing touches, this new comic was basically done about a month or so later. But you know, procrastination happened. This week, I decided to sit down and take advantage of the free time I had to finish this beast of a comic.

It’s a long comic. I decided to divide it into seven files to make it easier to go through.

Comic 300: Venom vs. Carnage

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

And for the older readers who like the “traditional” way to read, I put them all together into one image:

Comic 300: Venom vs. Carnage

I did it! Sort of.

I do have one more comic planned to act as a sort of epilogue. THAT one should come together much quicker, lol. I only want to do it just because this series technically has a prologue, so it’s only fitting to end it with an epilogue!

As far as any ideas I had from way back when I was first working on these comics, I’m happy to say they’re all now fully realized! The kid in me is super proud to see Comic 300 finally here.

Thanks for following me in this small, personal accomplishment! One more comic to go and it’s all improv from there.

EDIT: And here’s the epilogue! Now we’re officially done!

Part 1

Part 2

That’s a wrap! V.3 is finished!

See you guys whenever I decide to make more comics for V.4 again!