I’m currently working on Verainiss as of time within this post just need to found the right parts and he’ll be eventually done I’m confident he’ll be finished soon but Verainiss will be with someone else as a duo team post
oooo looks cool
Look good from what I can see so far. I like the use of parts and head build.
Why thank you very much toa @Rhyla416 I Appreciate it by the way
Huh very intriguing response @Rukah you gave me quite the little a bit of me fascinated by this
I know this is gonna sound unlike very me but I don’t think he looks genuinely interesting but thank you thank you for reassuring me @Rukah that’s really made my day some how
Thanks @Rukah I’ve been working hard as on my bad boy Verainiss I’m almost definite closely done with him I’m just missing a few very great parts one of them I need so flibing badly and it lava beast’s chest plat so gosh darn to give him (AND I QUOTE) to give him a very Gothic and a very bloody desgin since that’s what im exactly after
Also @Rukah what you mentioned about the head design it’s based of a flicker user so here’s the link for it E.VA | Purge the imperfection | Redverse | Flickr but for me the mask for me at least it’s Verainiss’s mask to cover his identity much like how Infamous the unknown is concealed under a man of mystery clouding him from his turn self
I’m so can tastes It I cannot wait any longer but I’m still patience but very little It’s fading day by day as it is
I’ll get it eventually hohohoho I will
Looking good so far