Vicroen v5

Today marks the day that I have been on the boards for a year, so I decided to build a new version of vicroen and I think this is by far his best version. I’ve transitioned him more to CCBS now then g1 style cause I am a lot better at building with CCBS. I don’t know why but his proportions look off in the pictures but they look better in person.

I liked how the upper body turned out but I still gotta
work on the waist. Here is the rest of the pictures:


Needs back leg armor.
Other than that, he looks good.

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Oh yah I forgot about that the back legs are garbage😅 Also thanks

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Yea, if you’re gonna do a V6, only fix the legs. The torso looks great

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I quite like him. Of course, I do have a soft spot for green anything so yah. Green is kewl/10

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Apart from the back of the legs needing some armour, there could be more green on the torso. But other than that, I really enjoy the MOCs build!

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Looks cool, but needs more trans Neon-green IMO.

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The arms and legs are simple, but they look good.
I really like this, personally.

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The torso is great. The only part that I really take issue with is the legs. They look too skinny.

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@Ultimate_TChalla thanks!
@Oniwah thanks! I’m planning on taking gunmetal out of the color scheme once I get the right parts.
@Saxton thanks!
@Hutere_the_Toa_of_Air thanks!
@SmeatyFlavor thanks! I’m still working on the legs a bit.


It looks great!
The only thing I think it needs, is some kind of armor add-on, on the legs.

I tried that but I couldn’t find one that looks good, thanks also!

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