Video Game OST's

I think the title speaks for itself.


All the halo games have really great soundtracks. The elder scrolls games, fallout franchise, mass effect and destiny. Probably a bunch im forgetting about


I really like earthbound’s soundtrack, as well as some of the funky jams from the sonic franchise such as the night stages in unleashed or the knuckles raps in SA2, and I really like the music that plays on the radios in the fallout games.

OMG yes.

best part is 15:10

I really like FTL’s soundtrack, I think it’s really good and fits well with the theme of the game.

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I like Dishonered’s soundtrack.

The Arkham games have really great music, I’ve had this one stuck in my head for quite a bit.

Drawn to Life and Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter had fantastic soundtracks. They weren’t giant, epic orchestras or anything, but what power the DS had for music was taken full advantage of. Catchy video game music at it’s finest.

My favorites are “Ooh, Wilfre!” (the villain’s theme) and the final boss theme. The main theme is pretty great as well. The levels all have memorably catchy tunes, and the original songs at the end to both games made me cry.

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All three of the songs from Bionicle Heroes were cool. As well, Undertale and Minecraft both have some very nice background/accompanying tracks.

Ape Escape and Golden Sun, both series’ had great soundtracks.

I mean, it’s really just the Star Wars soundtrack, but the Lego Star Wars video game has a great Soundtrack.

Just finished replaying Azure Striker Gunvolt, and that has some fantastic music. Action-y and unique level themes, and relaxing, enjoyable cutscene tracks.

This one it my favorite, by far.

I have a special love for Fire Emblem: Awakening’s soundtrack. Mastermind is probably one of my favorites out of the entire game.

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Literally any Halo game has a epic soundtrack. Personal Standouts for me would be Halo 2 and Reach.

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I hate the ultramarines, but I love this song. It’s just so warhammer 40k.

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I love to hear the Nintendo game’s themes like Mario’s main theme.

One does not simply mention vidoe game soundtracks without bringing up Smash Brothers.

Enough said.

Although i like the music from the Mario and Luigi games a lot as well.

Seriously, listen to this.

Or this:

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It’s so metal.
I haven’t even played DOOM 2016 (due to bad gaming devices)…
But this makes me want to even more.


I’m surprised Journey hasn’t been mentioned yet. One of the best ost’s imo.