Villain Moc Contest

so i was thinking about making a villain for my characters but thought it would be cool to hold a competition in stead :slight_smile: The winner will get a 100% customized kanohi mask of there pick, and will have full control on how it looks, it can be a mix of two masks (Will take longer to do) or just a custom painted kanohi :slight_smile: Even a 100% Original mask (Will take a while).If you are not willing to give out your address privatly the winner will either have there Moc Rebuilt and painted or will have some art done for them. :slight_smile: sorry but thats all i can give at this time as well im broke :slight_smile:
-No Stealing Others Work
-Does Not matter the size or shape of the MOC, it can be Bipedal or creature like

  • Has to be some what menacing
  • Phots have to at least show of more than one angle (Preferably Front Back, and maybe an action shot :wink: )
    -Have Fun
    -There will be 3 Winner
    -This Comp will end in one months time (12/6/16) so have fun Mocing
    Hopefully people will enter

Eh, sorry. I would enter, but I’m not willing to give my address, etc. to people I don’t know.


its cool hahaha i understand that completely , i just want to give like a prize what is different :slight_smile:

I guess I will enter my Makuta MoC made for the Brotherhood of Makuta MoC project.
Nah, I’m just gonna make a new MoC.
But I’m not willing to give my address on the internet, so a different prize would be fine. (also I completely agree with @Anaru_LST with the fanart or building the winner’s SelfMoC)
Anyway, I won’t start yet mainly because I’m working on a lot of other things rn. But I will be done by June 12th. (I probably will be done before June 1st but I might not)

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@Anaru_LST yeah i guess your right, but the way i see it its no different than buying something of ebay, except no payment but that you do have some points, and yes if you haven’t posted it here yet sure :slight_smile:
@Toa_Distraxx ok thats fine :slight_smile:
@Saxton There is a new set of prizes for people who don’t want to give out info

Alright, think I came up with an Idea for my entry.
I’ve always wanted to do a sniper/bounty hunter/dark hunter character and I think now is the best time to do it. I’m going to call him… Reaper.
Dunno when I’m gonna be done. (hopefully before June 12th)

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@Anaru_LST V v nice :slight_smile: im appy i got at least 1 person who entered :slight_smile:
@Toa_Distraxx Sounds cool :slight_smile:

I’ll enter something, once I’m done with my current project, for sure.

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Welp I guess I might as well just don’t want to give out my adress.


There are still prizes for people who dont want to, like art or there Moc made etc :slight_smile:

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Oh, well then I’ll enter, I guess.
Here’s my entry.

Osorenix, Embodiment of Terror.
(Can we do more than one entry?)
Here’s his topic, BTW.


@Hutere_the_Toa_of_Air You can enter more than once but only one of the ones you enter can win if u get me XD also can i has more angles ?

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Just updated my post.

@Hutere_the_Toa_of_Air thanks :smile:

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I may enter this since we have tell (12/6/16). But it may be a while before I post him.

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Cool idea, but I think only masters can start a contest now…

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Nope. Scrubs can make contest. Slime was talking about it early today in a PM (that I can’t talk about), I believe.