Viper is probably(in my opinion) my favorite female TTV host. That was my two cents, now throw in yours!
Her username on the forums is a pun. That alone makes her awesome. Zaktan being her favorite character is also pretty cool. Plus she’s British, and as we all know, British people are cooler than everyone else.
A wise silhouette by the name of Todd in the Shadows once told me to never believe that the British are more sophisticated than anyone else, based on their crappy Pop Music, that is.
But nah, Viper’s pretty cool. But, maybe it’s just 'cause I’m slightly new to the TTV swing of things, but I don’t really know her as a personality as well as I’d like to. I’d love to see maybe one day a show on TTV that she hosts, like how Var has Autopsy, Kahi has Nostalgia Play now, Eljay has the Recaps, Meso has the MNOG and MNOG 1.5 and MNOG II soon enough, etc, etc.
viper sux
Viper’s my favorite female TTV host, pretty easy to beat the competition when none exists! Ayooooooo
In all honesty the fact her attention span unlike other former females hosts lasts longer than two seconds is really nice, and she’s just overall better than any of them, really. Except when I make her mad.
Well, time to go to the Worship Venom topic
I think Viper is a pretty cool girl. Ehs likes Zaktan and doesn’t afraid of anything.
meso x viper confirmed!!!111
I was a fan of FrodoxViper, but that’s just me
XD Wow just wow.
he just had to believe in his piraka skull aw haw haw haw
I mean there’s Eljay
Additionally, we always used to joke Alena was a guy
So shipping still works! Yes! #genderbendalenaxeljay2014
They have History of Bionicle and I believe she is the narrarator
What is that from?
I think Halo is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills aleins and doesn’t afraid of anything.
I know that, but what is it…
Screw it, I’ll just use google.
It’s just an old meme spawned from 4chan, dude
* Tosses in a couple of pennies *