Viper's/Phweffie's AMA

Have you seen an increase in your fan boys with the web cam biotalks?


How good did it feel to say that the Miru was a dumb mask?

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I can’t really judge, however from the American TV I’ve seen its a lot more glamorous looking. UK TV is usually dark and gloomy.

Watching YTP’s and people reading and reacting to bad fanfiction.

They were eh. I liked the whole gladiator style as well as the new hand pieces. But other than that I wasn’t really interested in the new setting.

Nope. I might close the topic for another day when there are new questions.

@Oniwah: I typed in “Bionicle Discussions” on YouTube and found them that way.

@northernphantom: Not really, I’ve seen the comments I haven’t really seen a huge popularity spike. I’ve gained as much attention from fans as Takuma has.


Your probably just watching the weather forecast.

Seriously though, I’ve seen clips from some of your game shows, and it seems like the studios are always black and neon blue. It’s kind of weird.


They’re on the grid!


Say hi, Viper.




If you had the choice to have any G1 BIONICLE set that you were never able to get, which one would you choose and why?

have you watched the clone wars series?

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@Oniwah: Roodaka, Brutaka or Vezon and Fenrakk. I love all the characters I’ve mentioned and I’ve never had a titan before so yeah. : D

@Middlefingerstudios: Yep, I liked it alot. I enjoyed the animation style as well as how much more information it gave to the universe. : )


Are you talking '03 series or '08 series?

The 2008 series. : )


What is your least favorite fandom based on their behavior?

inb4 “Viper fandom”


Have you seen the 2003 Clone Wars series?

How do you feel about life?
What do you feel is it’s purpose?

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For a second i thought you wrote ‘‘How do you like purse?’’

@SpookMeister: There isn’t a particularly bad fandom out there. In nearly every fandom there are good and bad sides. Especially if they’re big, like the Halo fan base. Different people want different things from the game. All fan bases have an ugly/annoying side to them, there’s nothing you can do about it. : )

@Booster_Gold: Unfortunately, I haven’t.

@TFM101A: Life is…good I guess. That question can be interpreted in different ways.
I don’t think there is purpose to life, it just exists. What is the point of anything? I am amazed that we can even exist comfortably in such a chaotic universe. Let alone having a purpose. : )



Full series ^^^
Only 2 hours and 9 minutes

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ATTENTION!! You have the wrong video. This video does not contain the full series. This one does.

I can’t believe you jumped on the TTV Train of Misinformation! /s

@Viper Since you weren’t on TTV Talks Adult Life, have you come across any drug users at your job and have you had any trouble with taxes? Do you people even have taxes?

Why are you so awesome?

Do you like Mexican? Chinese?