Viper's/Phweffie's AMA

What would you do for a Klondike bar?

Was it weird knowing that everyone was finally going to see your face for the first time when you were recording the Book Club?

Was your first BIONICLE set Zaktan?


I should actually watch that one of these days…

What do you think of Eljay’s scrubtier arguments about the Barraki being better than the Piraka?

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Barraki are better characters, Piraka are Better Villains. The arguments were very scrubtier. What does scrubtier mean?

Unless you’re quoting Eljay, I disagree. I think the Piraka as a whole were better characters and better villains, mostly because we got a lot more time with them in the books.


I wasn’t quoting Eljay. But whatever floats your “Dipa-dung, dipa-dung” boat. 8P

Is this cute?


I warn you, this is a long post. Its been in draft for a couple days as I’ve been busy with work. : )

@Spooky_scary_Ghosty: To be fair, I don’t really read books. However ones that I have finished such as Blood Hunters and Legacy of Light I have adored. I wish I had more time to just sit and read though.

@Chronicler: I loved the animations overall there just wasn’t enough content to get round everything so it seemed rushed, which it could’ve been I don’t know. But the pacing got wrecked especially during the fight scenes.

@TFM101A: So grate it grates cheese!

@Mesonak: I love Mass Effect! The actual universe got me into multi-stranded narrative and just wanting to develop my own written universe, as well as wanting to write better character and the interactions between them.
The ending sucked, first I thought it was open ended so it would satisfy the different opinions of the fan base. But then they say that there only one “true” ending and the others your false, which ironically takes away one of the most important features of Mass Effect, CHOICES!
I’m praying for it to be like Dragon age Inquisition where you can explore big maps and have new but just as brilliant people to bond with and…CHOICES!

@Middlefingerstudios: Unfortunately, no.

@Leoxandar: Not really, I like Star Wars but I didn’t grow up with the movies, I watched them later on in my life. I still would like to see the new one but I’m not hung up on the hype train.

@Spooky_scary_Ghosty: I was quite abrasive about anime on the episode. The biggest thing that aggravates me is its clichés and the lazy animation. Now, I know there are always exceptions to these but for the most part anime suffers from these issues and it always grinds my gears. However I do like how crazy it can get but usually I don’t get that far before I lose interest.

@Oniwah quote=“Viper, post:150, topic:7086”]
I really like them. I’m a bit iffy about Pohatu and Gali though they do look very similar to there older set so I might skip them. However all the other sets look fab, I’m gonna need to find more space for them though. Not the most in depth opinion on the sets but I’ve got nothing say that you haven’t heard from the others.
I’m not sure but I have had consistent X-rays throughout my life until I was 16 so whether that makes me more or less sensitive is the question of the day.

Sometimes, I usually like the heavy beat a lot more than the actual lyrics most of the time. The exception probably being Eminem and Delvin and some other ones in which I can’t think of right now.

2001: I don’t really have a favourite or least favourite, there all pretty nice sets.
2002: The Exo Toa is my favourite of that year while the Bohrok are my least favourite. I didn’t like the Bohrok-Kal ether.
2003: I like all the sets for this year too, except for the Bohrok-Kal.
2004: Krekka was my least favourite and the Toa Metru were my favourite.
2005: Roodaka and Sidorak are my favourite everything else is okay. Wasnt really compelled by the 05 sets even as a kid.
2006: Brutaka is my favourite and I pretty much like the rest of them other sets, the Piraka are clones so they’d probably be at the bottom if I had to choose.
2007: Barraki are my favourite, Toa Mahri my least.
2008: Makuta sets and Toa are my favourite, I hate the Av matoran!
2009: All these sets were eh. Mallum is my favourite.
2010: …These sets equally sucked.

By me? No, I don’t MOC very well. Ven’s is probably the closest official MOC I have.

I don’t know, it was Matau though.

I’m not sure just yet.

I am subscribed to him, I loved his Spiderman reviews. X D

Well, if a conversation between me and another host can spark shipping then let alone being inspired by that sort of information. X D

@SpookMeister: Nothing, I’d go buy the supermarkets brand known as choc ices and eat them instead. : P

@Oniwah: Indeed, I had been prepared for it since the 15K subscriber live stream, and what possible repercussions it may have. It is a strange experience but its funny having that extra layer of visual humour.

@Stoax: Nope, I wanted to get him but it never happened.

@Paradox: I cant help but feel its my fault he hates the Piraka so much, I favour them so much and talk about them so often I think he’s just soured to them XD. But yeah, he is entitled to an opinion even if it is annoying… : P

@Toa_Irokyei: It’s a type of human that can only achieve the lowest things, so they are scrubtier. : P

@Paradox: Yes, those or that snake is adorable. : 3


It’s better in Canada.

I don’t remember asking this question.

*has heart attack


Your right. Whoops, very sorry about that. X D


Once again, people stereotype Viper as a person who worships the Piraka.

At least I wouldn’t be caught doing that, right? Right?


Does the time zone difference between you and the rest of the cast become a problem when it comes to recording things?

Does @IllustriousVar have a drunk Hyena persona that shows up when he laughs?

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So, like Jersey Shore, right?

Though I still like Eminem’s “Phenomenal”, it gets really annoying hearing him sound like some chump screaming at himself in the mirror. But “Come My Way” by Fetty Wap is the worst thing I’ve ever heard.

Kinda guessed. Sometimes you can’t remember which set was first because the years seem to have gone by so quickly. I say that my first Bionicle sets as Hewkii and Kongu Inika, yet it might have been Rahaga Gaaki.

Unlike the NC, he has yet to disappoint me, though it felt like forever waiting for the Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace review. At least the joke about it from the Q&A held me ever.

“Dream’s dead, pack up shop, this is worse than Makuta.” —Meso, as I start burning my hundreds of piles of Fan-Fic.

Actually, it depends on the size of the closet. If it’s a large walk-in, probably no fan-fic. If it’s like a small broom closet, then LOTS of fan-fic guaranteed.


Actually, no.
There is no snow. It ain’t Halloween yet. :stuck_out_tongue:


Why don’t those idiots get out of the dang car and run?