VNRT Toa Balta (The Gadget Maker) & VNRT Toa Velika (The Great Being)

Hello everyone! Sorry for the current MOC spam! I just have been extremely inspired lately, and wanted to wrap up the VNRT (Voya-Nui Resistance Team) by making the last 2 MOC’s needed to represent the original matoran team.

Simple, he is a technician using deflector blades as weapons and likes technology. Thus I equipped him with a Fire Crossbow and a Deflector. The Fire Crossbow has a Glatorian counter on it. representing a “technological gamble” for the weapon itself. Basically, Balta can roll how much damage the crossbow does, the skull representing certain death towards the target and the numbers 1-5 detailing the punch from bottom to top.



Okay, so here’s the kicker. Velika is in a normal matoran body, that means he can become a toa and inherit stone powers. It’s just that the great being needs to decide wether he wants to become a Toa or not. in my timeline, Velika choose to become a Toa after fleeing from the murder towards Karzahni, and his team realized his true identity, everyone was fearful of him except Kazi, and, because they didn’t want to lose him, they decided to support him as a Toa and help him with his ideology towards the whole Matoran Universe. Now he works as a Tech-Heavy Monstrosity. If Balta likes Technology, Velika decided to enhance himself with it towards making himself the perfect being. He now comes with 4 arms, 2 biological ones, one hand wielding the sword he used to murder Karzahni, while the other is just a normal knife he uses to help him during battles. His mechanical arms help him dig through stone.and craft stuff. He is by far the most knowledgeable Toa on the VNRT and his Team is fearful of his inestable and megalomaniac personality. Except Kazi… Because he always thought of Velika as a weird being.



Garan, the Leader

Balta, the Gadget Maker

Velika, the Great Being

Piruk, the Spy

Dalu, the Warrior

Kazi, the Truth Seeker


Dalu is definitely the best, but what would she look like without the black parakah feet on he shins?

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Man, I really don;t like this type of images…
Toa Balta: His build is pretty OK, I guess, except for the arms. Why are they… Like that? However, I kind like the octopus from his back. The color scheme is awkward. The yellow shouldn’t be there, IMO. The trans’red seems out of place too. And the gray, just choose one type of gray and use it! You used both the dark and the light gray, and not only that it looks weird, but out of place too. 8,3/10

Toa Velika: You tried to make something awesome with it, but it ended up to be very messy. The torso look weird, and the lower legs seems to be too bulky. However, the color scheme is pretty good, except for some red here and there. And the shovels from the robotic arms are weird too. 8,3/10

The others: All of the other Toa seems to be pretty OK, except for Dalu, which is too skinny, and Kazi, which have the upper arms too big.


Thanks for your feedback! I will keep it noted because it can help me a lot.

Dalu would look weird without the piraka feet.

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